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    Support Local Stores

    Do you have a favorite store to shop at?

    My favorite store in my hometown

    Do you ever have a favorite store to shop at? I remember my first time at Silo in Grand Island, Nebraska when I was in middle school. When I first stepped in, I noticed the hardwood floors, clean, very organized with the shoes and skateboards. I thought the store was huge because it had two parts to the store. One section was just for clothes, skateboards, and shoes and when you stepped on the other side, it was for accessories like hats, glasses and beanies. There was even a girls section that had everything like dresses, shoes, glasses, and shirts.

    My first purchase was just a regular pair of vans. But one thing that grabbed my attention was the owner of the store. He was asking me all these questions. What kind of shoes do you like? What color do you prefer? He was trying to understand my style. When I came back to the store a couple of weeks later, he would always give me updates about the new releases on shoes and clothes. As I got older, the owner and I developed a customer relationship. I would always ask him for the new releases. He would recommend a pair of shoes that I would usually end up purchasing..

    A couple of years later, Silo did a reinvention. They closed the other side of the store with the accessories, jeans and girls section. After the construction, I liked the new store. On the left there was a room for accessories, where there were cabinets full of watches, sunglasses, and shoe cleaners. The hats and beanies hung on the shelves. In the middle of the store they have displays of shirts, jeans, and jackets. The right side was full of shirts and jackets and name brand clothing. At the end of the store was their checkout spot. Behind this was a shelf filled with tons of shoes!

    When I was a junior in high school, Silo created another store in Omaha due to the business’ success. There was a downfall to this because the owner moved to Omaha as well, causing them to hire another worker to replace him. Whenever I was in Omaha, I would try to go the store and hopefully see the owner just to have a conversation. Now, whenever I want a shoe, I would shop at PacSun or online. However, I would rather support a local store than a big name store.