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11 Emotional Highs And Lows You'll Experience During Your Kid's First School Year

It's a roller coaster ride, but a beautiful one at that. Make the journey that much brighter with fashionable, affordable clothes from Kmart.

1. The initial loneliness of that first morning in an empty house.

2. A little bit of sadness that your child might not miss you as much as you're missing them.

3. Then feeling the joy of hearing all about how great their day was.

4. Worrying that you don’t have the absolute best teacher for your child.

5. The thrill of them bringing home their first good grade.

6. Worrying about your child in social circles — will he be too shy? Will she make friends right away?

7. Followed by that fuzzy feeling when you watch them make their first friend.

8. Not having the comfort of being able to call the baby sitter and check in between meetings...

9. Then realizing that you can use that time to do stuff you haven't had time for in years!

10. The utter magic of seeing them put their thoughts on paper.

11. And, when summer comes, the knowledge that you get them all to yourself again.

It's going to be a beautiful year. Make it even better with fashionable, affordable clothes from Kmart.