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    Why Would I Make My Child Transgender?

    It's not as glamorous as lawmakers make it seem.

    I mean, what with all the therapist appointments just to get them to write letters so that my child could change her name in order to change her social security card in order to get her passport with the correct gender marker in order to get her license, it's been one party after another. *rolls eyes*

    Therapist letters are also required to begin hormone blockers to slow down puberty so that my child didn't develop secondary male characteristics (think Adam's apple and facial hair). These blockers do not cause any damage to children and they are completely reversible. You know, just in case my child one day said, "hmmm nope, not a girl after all."

    A letter from a therapist was also required for her to begin hormone replacement therapy. And letters from two different therapists are required for sex reassignment surgery.

    My point is, none of this is fun. And none of the decisions we make are taken lightly or without tremendous consideration, research and LOADS of therapy. Why in the world would someone force this on their child ... and themselves?!

    And I could think of tens of thousands of dollars worth of things to buy versus all of this therapy, medication, traveling (because our doctors were sometimes a thousand miles away from home), and ultimately surgery. Like a nice sweater. Or some cool shoes, for instance.

    So when people like Georgia State Representative Ginny Ehrhart propose legislation to make it a felony for medical professionals to help a minor with gender transition, all I can do is shake my head. And fight with all my might to help defeat such ignorance.

    I will continue to fight to keep myself and my child's surgeon out of jail.

    Join me in the fight, won't you?

    If you live in Georgia, contact your state Representative HERE!