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16 Signs You Need A Little Break From Social Media

After scrolling through this list, of course... Break better with KitKat™.

1. You try to avoid all transport with bad phone reception.

2. You can correctly identify any Instagram filter just from looking at the photo.

3. You cannot eat home-cooked food without posting a picture of it first.

4. Having strangers follow you has somehow become a good thing.

5. You have a Pavlovian response to the sound of something vibrating — you immediately start looking for your phone.

6. You try to think your most clever thoughts in 140 characters or fewer.

7. You consider someone unfollowing you the ultimate insult.

8. You’ve bought stupid items — let’s be honest — for the likes.

9. You've said "I would so retweet that!" while laughing at someone's IRL joke.

10. Scheduling tweets/posts for the day is part of your morning routine.

11. Your immediate thought when you see an impossibly attractive person is, I wonder how many followers they have?

12. After making a remark, you've "hashtagged" out loud your afterthoughts and side comments.

13. You’ve updated your résumé to name the famous people that follow you.

14. You’ve said, “My friend— well, this person I know online...”

15. Instead of regretting stupid things you say out loud, you just wish you could go back and edit them.

16. And you’ve yelled at your cat because they don't do anything to go viral.

Don't worry: This isn't a breakup, it's a break. Disconnect for a sec and grab a KitKat™ bar IRL.

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