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11 Absurd Excuses To Get A Break From Your Family During The Holidays

The holidays can get intense. Take a break with KitKat® bars.

1. “Someone somewhere out there is baking gingersnaps, and I have to follow that smell.”

2. "I think Rudolph is stuck on the roof, BRB."

3. "Wrapping presents gave me a paper cut and I’m busy healing."

4. "I’m still digesting. Please leave me in peace."

5. "I’m trying to nail this Christmas carol, and I can't have any distractions."

6. "Santa Claus didn’t write me back, and I really need to be alone right now."

7. "I didn't stick to last year's New Year's resolution, so I'm sending myself to my room."

8. "The elves are on strike, so I have to go build toys for every boy and girl in the world."

9. "No, I still don't have a significant other. Let me go look for one so I'm not alone on New Year's Eve."

10. "I need to rest my eyes from all the fairy lights."

11. "I need to check if anyone in the entire neighborhood wants to know my secret recipe."

You don't need an excuse to take a break this holiday season. Take a break with a KitKat® bar.

And take ​this survey— it's almost like taking a quiz!