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12 Mealtimes From Around The World You Didn't Even Know Existed

KITKAT has travelled the globe to bring you some of the world’s quirkiest mealtimes. Have a break and come with us on a journey of discovery…

1. Abendbrot (Germany)

2. Feijoada (Brazil)

3. Tết (Vietnam)

4. Shabbat (Israel)

5. Bento (Japan)

6. The 2am Kebab (England)

7. La Comida (Spain)

8. Grosse Pause, Zweites Frühstück, and Zwischenmahlzeit (Germany)

9. La Merienda (Spain)

10. Bring and Braai (South Africa)

11. Drugie Śniadanie (Poland)

12. Midnight breakfast (America)

How do you have your break? Did you know that there are many different ways to eat your KITKAT? Find out more in our new campaign!

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