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15 Reasons Why Toys In The 90s Were Just Plain Better

The 90s were the best. But alas we all had to grow up. Some of us became bankers and others accountants, but one will continue to live the dream as the King of the Nerds. Find out who will become King of the Nerds on TBS, THURSDAY AT 10/9C.

1. You couldn't wait until summer:

2. This was a thing, a glorious, glorious thing:

3. You learned important stress management skills:

4. Board games let you taste the future:

5. Smaller was better:

6. You could travel to the moon without leaving your backyard:

7. It was okay to get messy:

8. Vehicles shot pizza:

9. The Power Rangers were still relevent:

10. Your toys could fit in your pocket:

11. Beating up your friends was socially acceptable:

12. You learned how to be responsible:

13. There were only 151 pokemon:

Growing up is overrated