Asian-Americans Tried A Vodka That Allegedly Lessens "Asian Glow" And Things Got Weird

    "I think instead of Asian glow, it just looks like you ran a lap."

    If you're Asian and have ever been drunk, you may have experienced something commonly known as "Asian glow."

    Asian glow is a physical response to drinking alcohol that involves facial flushing and symptoms that are not unlike that of a hangover.

    Though many people take antihistamines (like Pepcid) to prevent the effects of alcohol, we wanted to test out a type of vodka that's ~rumored~ to reduce Asian glow.

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    So we set out to try Ving Vodka.

    Rules for the test:

    – We took two shots of vodka: one that was just a straight shot and a second that was a mixture of a shot of vodka, lemon juice, and water.

    – We waited 20 minutes and recorded the results.

    Step one: shots!

    Some people thought it tasted like lemon or kale.

    While others said it was more like a full-blown salad.

    At first, things were going smoothly. But, 10 minutes in, the alcohol started to kick in.

    We were definitely ~feeling it~.

    And honestly, there were some mixed results. Some had Asian glow, some had less glow than usual, and some had almost no glow at all!







