College Advice I Wish I Knew Before Graduating

    "Do everything you can in those four years!"

    Graduating from college and heading off into the real world can be scary, exciting, and everything in between. Sometimes, it's important to have that circle of people that have been through it to tell you it's going to be OK.

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    Four years can fly by and when you realize you're about to walk into the unknown of adulthood, remind yourself you are not the only one going through it.

    During college though, it's easy to get sucked into what people want you to be vs. who you want to be. Choose a circle that will love and accept you for being yourself unapologetically.

    And when you do find that circle of people, don't forget about them no matter how busy the college life gets.

    Sorry parents, but this is the most important time to explore yourself sexually. Don’t be ashamed, but also don't do anything because you feel pressured, and always be safe.

    Your 20s are your most selfish years, enjoy them!

    It's easy to get distracted with your social life in college, but remember this is also a huge stepping stone towards a successful career. Invest just as much time into internships, school clubs, and extracurricular activities.

    And trust, there are going to be times where you have to confront issues to reach solutions; don’t be afraid to share your voice, the world wants to hear it.

    Remember, be patient and trust the growing process.

    Dive into the college world because you'll only be an undergraduate once.

    Love and cherish the ones who genuinely love and cherish you back.

    Never apologize for being you.

    And use your voice because it's powerful and the world wants to hear it.

    Cheers to adulthood!