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    11 Great Instagram Accounts Featuring Dogs Participating In The New #JoyChallenge

    Goldn, the free happiness routine for dog parents, has just launched a new #JoyChallenge social media campaign. Dogs bring us so much love and joy, that we should share that joy with others and make the most of our relationship with our dogs. Here are eleven top dog Instagram sites, featuring dogs and their owners, that are taking part in the #JoyChallenge.

    1) @AmazingGracieDoodle

    2) @Charlie_TheBlackShepherd

    3) @CocoTheMalteseDog

    #4 @EggNogTheBulldog

    5) @GoldenLouTriever

    6) @Goldens_Glee

    7) @KingBentleyTheBulldog

    8) @LifeOfSterlingNewton

    9) @MayaTheDox

    10) @ThemGoldenBoys

    11) @2Husketeers