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    College Students- What Are You Doing This Spring... You Should Be Sailing!

    I know everyone has heard of studying abroad and most people have heard of Semester at Sea, but I did this really cool (smaller) program called Seamester and I want to spread the word! Seamester is not your average study abroad experience. It's a semester or summer spent on a beautiful sail boat, sailing from island to island or country to country. Students take college classes onboard and learn how to sail and scuba dive as they travel from place to place. It's pretty amazing and it changed my life and the lives of many other students. There is also no experience required! I had no idea how to sail before my trip and now I have my captains license. I had only been scuba diving 4 times, and now I have over 300 dives logged and actually get paid to teach people how to scuba dive (#dreamjob). Basically, I came home a different person. I changed my major as a senior in college from Biology/ pre dental to a world traveler who never wanted to leave the ocean! (Don't worry I graduated a year later) But instead of applying to dental schools, I got paid to sail around the caribbean. If you are reading this thinking I could use a change of scenery, I encourage you to take a break, get out of the lecture halls, step off of your campus and step onto a Seamester voyage!

    After class, we sit at the bow