I Don't Believe The Moon Landing Ever Happened And Here's Why

    Look into it.

    This is Matt, and although he doesn't consider himself a conspiracy theorist, he holds a very unpopular opinion.

    Yeah, that’s right, Matt doesn’t believe that the moon landing actually happened.

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    Although he doesn't have any JFK assassination conspiracy theories, President Kennedy does factor into one of his reasons.

    Then there were concerns that Russia was going to build a missile base on the moon.

    Matt is also skeptical about the technology to make the moon landing happen back then.

    Then there's the whole Van Allen Belts thing.

    Moving on — let’s talk about the crosshairs on photos from the moon landing that were released by NASA.

    Then there are the photos with competing shadows, suggesting a second light source besides the sun.

    Then there's this:

    And lastly, the footage that exists can totally be recreated.

    Matt realizes his whiteboard looks a little crazy, but he encourages you to do your own investigating and come up with your own conclusions.