This Dad Takes The Cutest Pictures Of His Son Dressed As Darth Vader

    The Force is strong with this one.

    Photographer James Hopkirk and his four-year-old son, Harry, may look like two normal guys from South London. But they're not just two normal guys from South London — they're both HUGE Star Wars fans.

    Such huge fans, in fact, that James got Harry a Darth Vader costume and began documenting his son's adventures on his Tumblr, Little Lord Vader.

    "His favourite character is Darth Vader. He absolutely loves him," James told BuzzFeed "In fact, when we play, he often insists that I pretend to be a Storm Trooper while he plays Darth Vader, and together we crush the Rebellion."

    "As the release of The Force Awakens approached, I realized that I couldn't wait until he was older and deny him the chance to see it at the cinema when it first came out, so I had to quickly show him all of the earlier films. He was immediately obsessed."

    "The project started because of the costume. Because he was so into Darth Vader I tried to find the best costume I could — the Disney Store had a really good one with light-up buttons. I got a picture of him in it when we first got home and since then he's wanted to wear it all the time."

    "I'm not such a fan of the prequels, but Harry thinks they're great, so we've agreed to disagree on that one. We both agree that The Empire Strikes Back is the best film overall, but we think The Force Awakens is awesome, too."

    And they're getting the whole family involved in the project. Teddy, Harry's four-month-old brother, also appears in the series.

    And the family rabbit, Kimma, is included as well. She is, possibly, even cuter than an Ewok.

    So how is Darth Harry celebrating May 4, AKA Star Wars Day, AKA Most Sacred of All Days?

    "As a special treat, we're going to watch The Force Awakens on a school night to celebrate," James said.

    "Harry will, of course, be wearing his costume."

    "I imagine I'll be pretending to be a Storm Trooper."

    Check out the continuing adventures of Darth Harry here.