They're Making A Sequel To "The Ring" Because Nothing Is Fair

    This is just so rude.

    We all remember Samara, yes? That evil, well-dwelling hag who haunted our middle school dreams after The Ring came out in 2002?

    Well, they made a sequel in 2005, which was RUDE because our psyches were just beginning to recover...

    ...but now they're making a THREEQUEL, which is just REALLY RUDE. Will we ever be allowed to heal and grow as people?!

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    In Rings, Samara is still up to her old, terrifying tricks — aka she's still crawling out of TVs and killing people seven days after they see her creepy home video.

    But this time around, she's has infiltrated the INTERNET.

    But she's still up to her same tricks, the ol' "I'm pulling your gross hair out of my throat," etc.

    Things are looking, if possible, even more intense than last time.

    This time Samara is burning messages on peoples' BODIES. And maybe trying to get herself reborn?

    Like what the shit is this? This is RUDE. It has only been 14 years, we need more time to recover, and now you're doing THIS?

    She can also, it seems, crash planes now. PLANES.


    Rings premieres in theaters Oct. 28.