Michelle Obama Is An Expert At Throwing Shade At President Obama


    If you didn't already know, our FLOTUS and POTUS are the definition of relationship goals.

    They even share friends. President Obama is golf buddies with NBA superstar Steph Curry, and first lady/future president Michelle Obama has teamed up with Curry on Brita's Drink Up campaign.

    So when they stopped by Ellen, they had a lot to talk about — including President Obama's golf game. Apparently, even his golf handicap is top secret.

    LOL PLEASE LOOK AT MICHELLE OBAMA'S FACE. This is the face you make when bae needs to be taken down a couple notches.

    But it got even better, because apparently our president is a bit of a trash-talker.

    But worry not, Michelle coached Steph in the art of trash-talking her husband, and it was savage.


    Please don't leave us.

    Check out the full savagery here.