Jennifer Lawrence And Chris Pratt's "Passengers" Blooper Reel Is Pure Delight

    We don't deserve them.

    Back when Passengers premiered, Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt did some amazing promo together.

    They gifted us with such charming shenanigans! But then the promo tour ended, and the movie came out in December 2016, and the shenanigans ended. We will never get any of their shenanigans again.

    OR WILL WE? Here's an exclusive look at the Passengers blooper reel — enjoy the return of the J. Law–Pratt shenanigans.

    Facebook: video.php

    We get all sorts of classic J-Law moments. She chokes on a drink...

    ...and weighs in on proper space rescue attire.

    We also get a glimpse of Chris Pratt's audition for Thor 4*.

    And there's a lot of violent giggling.

    Really, just a bunch of violent giggling...

    Heeeh hehehehehe.

    And some lovely banter from our dysfunctional space couple.

    But mostly just violent giggling.

    Passengers is available for digital download March 7, and on DVD and Blu-ray March 14.