Grab The Tissues, 'Cause The New Season Of "Outlander" Is Gonna Destroy You

    Wow, my body was not ready for any of that.

    It's been a minute since the Season 2 Outlander finale ripped our collective Sassenach heart out.

    And we've waited and waited and waited, and now, at long last, we have a full trailer ahead of the Season 3 premiere on Sept. 10!

    It's a lot, guys. It's a lot.

    Claire's doing her best to raise Brianna with Frank, but her heart still belongs to Jamie (duh).

    Meanwhile, Jamie's been taken to prisoner by the British, yet again. And his heart still belongs to Claire (duh).

    And also standing shirtless in front of some other woman?!

    Basically, we all just need the Fraser clan to stop this nonsense and reunite once and for all.