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"Parks And Rec" Fans — Which Ron Swanson Moment Do You Consider To Be The Funniest Of All Time?

"Erase all pictures of Ron!"

We all know that Parks and Recreation is a hilarious show packed with unforgettable characters. All these years later, one of these beloved characters stands above the rest and his name is Ron Swanson.

While everything Ron has ever said and done is unforgettable, what would be considered his best moment of all time?

Maybe it's the time he went to great lengths to erase any paper trail of his identity, to the point where he threw his computer into the dumpster.

Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate and Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson in the show "Parks and Recreation."

Maybe it was the time when he decided to exert power over his subordinates by pulling a fake tooth out of his mouth with pliers.

Adam Scott as Ben Wyatt, Aziz Ansari as Tom Haverford, and Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson in the show "Parks and Recreation."

Or maybe it's as simple as the time he was continuously handed vegan bacon by a grocery worker and he kept throwing the pieces away into a trash bin.

Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate and Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson in the show "Parks and Recreation."

What do you consider to be the best Ron Swanson moment of all time? Please tell us which one and why in the comments below!

The best responses could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!