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    25 Best T-Shirts Ever To Have Existed, Period

    Please shed whatever lowly vestments you're currently using to hide your disgusting body, and slip into one of these pre-shrunk cotton miracles. The Mountain clothing line (the 3 Wolf Moon label) has a line called "Manimals".

    1. Biker Stryker

    2. DJ Peace

    3. DJ Caesar

    4. Boxer Rocky

    5. Hunter Buck

    6. Biker JD

    7. Combat Sam

    8. Combat Stryker

    9. DJ Jahman

    10. Graffiti Saber

    11. Navy SEAL

    12. Smokin Jahman

    13. DJ Sarge

    14. Rocker Cooper

    15. Duck Hunter

    16. Big Cock Head

    17. Guard Panzer

    18. Nas T-Rex

    19. Punky!

    20. Backpack Kitty

    21. Come & Get It

    22. Rastafurrian Kitten

    23. T-Rex Tearing

    24. Golden Feather

    25. My personal favorite (SOLD OUT!!!)