23 Reasons Spencer Hastings Is Pretty Little Liars' Only Hope

    We adore Hanna, Emily's sweet, and Aria is okAy (get it?), but Spencer Hastings is the only Liar who can save them all.

    1. Spencer is always at least one step ahead of everyone else.

    2. She's appropriately distrusting of EVERYONE.

    3. She's keeping the closest eye on Aria.

    4. She's looking out for her friends and their families first.

    5. She's the only one who seems to (occasionally) understand that the Liars can't afford to keep lying.

    6. Spencer knows that if you think things in Rosewood are getting better, you're wrong.

    7. Spencer has this Smokin' Noir Detective thing going on that just makes you want to believe in her.

    8. She's just sweet and goody two-shoes enough to get on the adults' side where it counts.

    9. But don't let the good grades and Oxford shirts fool you.

    10. She's not afraid of confrontations.

    11. She seems to be the only Liar capable of threatening Mona.

    12. In fact, look how great she is at intimidating people next to lockers in general.


    14. Even the other Liars know she's the toughest one they've got.

    15. Every week it's an awesome new bitchface with this one.

    16. She admits her mistakes, which are usually exceptionally attractive ones.

    17. Like, really.

    18. She'll turn in people she loves when she knows it's the right thing to do.

    19. We're just going to have to believe her that she knows what she's doing here.

    20. She's got (by far) the most practical crime-solving wardrobe.

    21. She has this way of looking up where you know she's just come to a very important A-related epiphany. EpiphAny.

    22. Seriously, watch this:

    23. Just look at her. She's GOT this.