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    A Steve Harvey Moment At The Oscars

    The story we're all going to be talking about for the next couple weeks

    We all remember that embarrassing moment Steve Harvey had while presenting at Miss Universe in 2015 right?

    Well, Warren Beatty just made a lot of us forget after last nights Oscars.

    While up on stage presenting for Best Picture with Faye Dunaway, Beatty was apparently holding the wrong envelope that didn't in fact contain the name of the Best Picture but held the name for Best Actress.

    After hesitating, Beatty looked to his fellow presenter Faye Dunaway in confusion but clearly she didn't realize the mistake and called out "La La Land" as the winner.

    It wasn't long before the news broke out that they hadn't won after all. The cast of "Moonlight" was then presented their Oscar by Jordan Horowitz producer of "La La Land".

    Funny thing is Jordan Horowitz is now listed as one of the presenters of the Best Picture award when he originally went on stage to accept it.

    "La La Land" did however go home with 7 awards out of the 14 nominations they had and as for Warren Beatty, at least he has someone to talk to during this dark time.

    Call me Warren Beatty. I can help you get through this! #Oscars

    Via Twitter: @IAmSteveHarvey