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    5 Hipster Accessories That Are Becoming More And More Mainstream

    Hipster accessories can run the gamut from charmingly vintage to thoroughly modern. They're so versatile, in fact, that many of them have left the fringes of the obscure and are creeping into popular culture. Here are just five hipster accessories that are slowly going mainstream.


    It should come as no surprise that scrunchies have started to trend. The fashion industry is currently going crazy for '80s and '90s retro, so it makes perfect sense that hair accessories are following all of the baggy pants and shoulder pads of yesteryear. They're bright, colorful and zany, so they define the happy-go-lucky style of generations past. As a bonus, they're much harder to lose than tiny ponytail holders.

    Over-The-Ear Headphones

    Technology grows smaller and more streamlined by the day. Some companies have even made headlines by debuting wireless headphones. However, hipsters have stubbornly clung to their large, stylish over-the-ear headphones, and now their persistence is paying off. Big-name brands have started bucking the trend and coming out with their own "OTE"s for hipsters who love music.

    Messenger Bags

    Messenger bags used to be the sole domain of hipsters who slung them across their shoulders while riding their bikes to the local coffee shop. They've gotten more mainstream, however, as the average young person carries more and more belongings throughout the day. With so many phones, laptops, tablets and e-readers to stow away, a large bag is necessary to survive.

    Cassette Tapes

    Recently popularized by the teen drama "13 Reasons Why," cassette tapes are making a comeback by people who really want to touch, feel and carry their music with them. It can be hard to make a connection with a song that's just pixels on a screen, but cassette tapes provide a more tangible experience. Hipsters may have started this trend, but it's spreading to other young people too.


    Vaping is becoming more popular by the day. Not only does it offer a tobacco-free alternative to traditional cigarettes, but vaping tools are also highly stylized and easily customized depending on your specific tastes. For example, vapes are available in all kinds of sizes and colors, and vape flavors can taste like everything from fruits to mints to candies from places like The Vape Mall.

    These are just a few hipster accessories that you might spot in the wild. There are many more, but some things are slower to reach the mainstream than others. Keep your eyes open if you want to stay on fleek.