These Guys Tried Sexy Halloween Animal Makeup Tutorials

    "Where's my friend Kane, that's a deer!"

    Sexy costumes are a Halloween staple. So, these guys wanted to see if their makeup skills could bring out their inner saucy! Here are the results:

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    Zack started out overly confident by his beauty blending skills.

    Kane, on the other hand, was shocked by the power of foundation:

    And Kevin was determined and needed 100% focus:

    Halfway through, Zack and Carl realized 2 is better than 1.

    And Jeremy and Kane had a sudden makeup emergency on their hands!

    While Amro relied heavily on the final touch...

    And when everything was done, Zack got pretty close...

    ...and so did Kane!

    Carl looked cute AF.

    And Kevin slayed the MF jungle.

    While Jeremy might of discovered his long lost twin.

    And Amro got his look down... even the bow tie!

    Dayummmm! Slaying the sexy game, guys!