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    People Are Choosing Staycations This Summer Because Everything Is Expensive, So I've Ranked The 6 Best Ideas

    A whopping 62% of Americans aren't traveling this year due to inflation, and honestly, same.

    When I read Bankrate's statistic that 62% of Americans can't afford a major summer vacation this year, due to inflation and high cost of living, my first thought was *same*. I get it. Flight prices are bonkers, hotel prices have skyrocketed, and the thought of eating out for every meal quickly eats at even the most well-planned budget.

    Traveling is expensive, but Bankrate also says people are still vacationing on a smaller scale: 29% of US adults are choosing less expensive destinations, while 28% are choosing less expensive activities. Twenty-six percent are cutting costs by vacationing for fewer days, and 26% are also opting to drive rather than spend on airfare.

    While you may be pushing back that international trip, you don't have to resort to a vacation-less summer. Enter, staycations. You've probably heard the term before, but there is actual merit in giving one a go.

    So, use that PTO! Take that time off! Plan a staycation! To spark conversation, I've ranked the most popular staycation ideas, from best to worst, and I want to know your thoughts.

    Please note this ranking is based on personal opinion, and I'm curious to hear your favorite ideas in the comments! 

    1. Be a tourist in your own city

    Whether you reside in a major city, or simply live within driving distance of one, consider a getaway to your nearest metropolitan. Cities are full of things to do, from museums to architecture tours to live theater and fine dining.

    You might spend the day sightseeing or attending a sporting event. If you're local enough, you may not have to worry about accommodations. Or, you might choose to make your staycation a weekend affair and book a hotel room, which is far less costly without travel expenses.

    2. Be one with nature by visiting a state park and/or camping

    If you've got even one outdoorsy bone in your body, a day or two in nature can work wonders for your mental health. An affordable staycation can be visiting an accessible state park or hiking trail to unplug from technology and recharge.

    You can also extend your stay by booking a campsite or renting a cabin if you aren't about to pitch a tent. This type of staycation can be done without spending tons of money and is a much-needed break from staring at screens.

    3. Enjoy a relaxing day by the water

    Sunshine is essential for summoning that summertime serotonin. Nothing feels more vacation-y than sitting by a body of water, so this option is definitely worthwhile if you like to spend your vacations doing absolutely nothing.

    If a proper beach isn't accessible, spend a day or two at the lake, or enjoy relaxing poolside. All you need is a chair, a book, and a beverage.

    4. Carve out time to enjoy a hobby or try something new

    While vacation is a great time to do nothing, it's also a great time to do something. Some vacationers prefer an itinerary filled with activities that are different from their regular day-to-day. If this is your vibe, you might enjoy investing in a hobby-based staycation.

    You might finally take that cooking class you've been looking into for months. Or, you might spend the weekend golfing with friends. Whether you carve out time to enjoy a long-time hobby or decide to learn a new skill, a staycation can be well-spent when investing in yourself.

    5. Treat yourself to a spa day

    If you're in the mood for some classic rest and relaxation, this option is for you. A spa day can be a great way to treat yourself without dropping a bunch of money on other vacation expenses. You might book a massage at a local spa for the day, or decide to stay overnight at a nearby resort.

    However you choose to go about your self-care, this peaceful type of staycation can leave you feeling centered and stress-free — especially since you didn't have to purchase pricey flights to enjoy vacation mode.

    6. Stay home and unwind with some self-care

    If you're a homebody, you might take the word staycation literally and choose to stay home. Maybe you light your favorite candle, binge-watch a TV show, or finally start that new book. This is the most simple form of staycation, but sometimes you simply need to veg out.

    There is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying time off, planted on your couch, but this ranks lowest on the list since part of the fun of a staycation is getting out of the house and switching up your routine. However, this option is definitely the most affordable, if you're not looking to spend a dime.

    A bulk of any vacation budget goes toward travel. While there are certainly ways to minimize your expenses, opting for a local getaway can save you money and channel vacation mode without breaking the bank.

    Do you agree or disagree with this ranking? Share how you're spending your summer staycation in the comments below!