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11 Awesome Iced Coffee Upgrades To Try This Summer

Even if you love iced coffee, you might not be an experienced iced coffee drinker. For the ultimate upgrade, mix in Kahlúa Salted Caramel to make it into a real iced coffee — and try these other amazing upgrades, brought to you by Kahlúa!

1. Homemade Coffee Syrup

2. Coffee-flavored Ice Cubes

3. A DIY To-go Cup for Your Coffee

4. An Exotic Flavor Stir-in

5. A Scoop of Ice Cream

6. Brown Sugar

7. Thai Flavors

8. Fun and Colorful Straws

9. Condensed Milk

10. A Sprig of Fresh Mint

11. Whipped Cream

And if you’re feeling a bit naughty, upgrade your virgin iced coffee with a few splashes of Kahlúa Salted Caramel.

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Stick to the Script. Drink Responsibly. ©2015 The Kahlúa Company. Purchase, NY