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12 Naughty Things To Do That Will Make You Feel Nice

Sometimes, it feels very good to be bad! Feeling really naughty? Try a splash of Kahlúa Salted Caramel in your iced coffee!

1. Splurge on tickets for a vacation, even though you haven't contributed to your savings in forever.

2. Go skinny-dipping — in a pool, at the beach, during the day, at night...whenever!

3. Take a second lunch break when the afternoon slump hits.

4. Cancel all your plans and spend the entire day in your room with your S.O., only leaving for takeout.

5. Sleep in on the weekend, even if you have a ton of errands to run.

6. Finally ask out your best friend's sibling. (Secretly, of course!)

7. Have a second helping of dessert. Tell yourself you can eat healthy tomorrow.

8. Let that stranger at the bar buy you a drink, even though you're so not interested.

9. Post a group picture that you look great in — even if your friends don't look so good.

10. Take a ton of free samples, even though you have absolutely no intention of buying anything.

11. Buy a birthday gift and keep it for yourself. Wrap up something random from your apartment as a replacement.

12. Drag your friends to the beach for the sole purpose of checking out the hot lifeguards.

And the naughtiest thing of all?

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Add a splash of Kahlúa Salted Caramel to your iced coffee. (We won't tell...)

Stick to the Script. Drink Responsibly. ©2015 The Kahlúa Company. Purchase, NY