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For All Those Gourmet Stoners Out There...

For all those high class stoners out there, Microplan has just released the new "Herb Mill." Microplan describes it's new contraption as "Freshly chopped oregano, sage and basil... it sounds pretty tempting, unless you're the one making all of the meals. But don't default to that dried up old spice rack just yet. The Microplane Herb Mill lets you add fresh herbs to any dish with a twist. Load up your herbs, twist the handle and the super sharp scissoring blades mince instantly." For the rest of us, it just means we don't have to use Dad's old coffee grinder anymore ;)

justblueurmind 13 years ago

Italian Girl Tries to Parallel Park

Maybe it's time for the bad driver stereotype to be put on Italians instead of Asians! Watch this video and you'll see why ;)

justblueurmind 13 years ago

Crazy Flexible Rasta Man

Hilarious Rasta man bends himself in half! Tooo funny!

justblueurmind 13 years ago