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10 Things That Movies Taught Us About Dinosaurs

History class, shmistory class. If you can't learn it from going to the movies then it ain't worth knowin'. Reintroduce yourself to the frightening feature film that taught you everything you know about terror. Celebrate Jurassic Park's 20th anniversary with Jurassic Park in 3D, now playing in realD 3D and IMAX 3D, and watch the trailer now!

1. Lawyers are the bacon of the dinosaur world.

2. Arm length isn't everything.

3. Dino boogers are the worst boogers.

4. Velociraptors love ice cream. LOVE it.

5. Dinosaurs have but one natural predator: cowboys.

6. "Rawr" doesn't mean "I love you" in Dino Speak.

7. It's not the size of the dino in the fight...

8. JK, size totally matters.

9. All dinosaur fossils are just napping.

10. Triceratops give the best hugs.

The classic returns in jaw-dropping realD 3D and IMAX 3D. Don't miss Jurassic Park in 3D, in theaters April 5th.