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    Shoppable Instagram Posts: What It Is & How They Boost Social Sales?

    The new Instagram Shopping allows users to select and purchase products easily from the app. Read how Shoppable Instagram Posts can boost social sales.

    Instagram Shopping

    What Is A Shoppable Instagram Post?

    Instagram Shoppable Tag

    Shoppable Instagram Posts x Social Sales

    Shoppable Instagram Posts

    1. Increases Product Discoverability

    By creating your own Instagram shop, you can display your products differently to help your profile visitors search for their desired products easily.

    With Shoppable Instagram posts, you can make your products easily available to the shoppers and make them visible in a more defined way.

    With just one click, they can know everything about the product they want to know without making a purchase. This will influence them to make a purchase of their desired products without much researching process.

    2. Display Social Proof With User-Generated Content

    One of the most interactive ways in which Instagram shoppable posts can be used is using user-generated content. Marketers use UGC as their advertising picture to tag the products and make sales.

    With user-generated content, brands and marketers can display genuine pictures of the real customers using the branded product.

    Such Shoppable UGC Instagram posts help the brands display the social proof of their quality, which influences the customers to make a purchase with the brand.

    3. Shortens The Buying Journey & Time

    Shoppable Instagram posts are created by adding product tags to the posts that can display the specifications, price, and other important details of the products in just a single click.

    These shoppable posts allow the customers to convert their attraction point into the purchase by letting them shop directly from the post without even leaving the Instagram app.

    Without being directed to the website and then searching for the product, customers can shop for their desires then and there. In simple words, shoppable Instagram posts provide the customers with a quicker and shorter way to shop for the product.

    4. Builds A Strong Brand-User Relationship

    Shoppable Instagram posts create a direct line of connection between the brand and the customers.

    Unlike the past days, when retailers used to have a hard time understanding the needs of the customers, shoppable Instagram posts have overpowered all these situations and have given all the marketers a perfect way to understand their customers.

    With the shoppable Instagram post, brands and marketers can know what their customers' likes and dislikes are, what they are obsessed with, what triggers them, what their desires are, and what makes them continue scrolling.

    All such understandings strengthen the relationship of the brand with its customers.

    5. The Perfect Shoppable Link For Instagram

    You might have read the term “link in bio” in the caption of the promotional posts. These links direct you to the website where it is almost impossible to search for the product that made you click the link.

    Due to Instagram’s limitation that does not allow the customers to add a clickable link along with the caption, it is hard for the customers to shop what they see.

    To avoid the desires' abandonment, marketers can create Instagram shoppable posts that have an inbuilt link to purchase the product. This helps the customers to have a smooth shopping journey without shifting from one page to another.

    Final Words

    Shoppable Instagram posts have made it easy for marketers to promote their products, increase their visibility, make them discoverable, and influence the customers to shop for the product.

    This new marketing trend has helped marketers expand their social audience to a great extent and extensively increase social sales.