28 Memes You'll Love If You Love Ruining Your Own Life

    There's nothing I could have done differently.

    1. Lurking and finding exactly what you were looking for:

    the phases of lurking and getting your feelings hurt

    This isn't what I expected.

    2. Overthinking all your social interactions:

    3. Ignoring your patterns:

    4. Passing up fun opportunities:

    5. Rewarding yourself for the bare minimum:

    Time for some self care.

    6. Refusing to make necessary changes:

    7. Expecting people to read your mind:

    8. Staying up all night:

    Me: I'm gonna go to sleep early this week Me @ 3am:

    Why am I so tired?

    9. Leaving things till the absolute last minute:

    10. Picking at your skin:

    11. Making yourself cry:

    When ur sad and listen to sad music on purpose and get sadder

    Instagram: @pixietang

    *pulls up Spotify playlist titled: "Drowning in My Tears"*

    12. Running away from your obligations:

    13. Refusing to get out of bed:

    14. Lying to yourself:

    15. Constantly oversharing:

    16. Stalking your crush:

    on a date: ME: lemme show u this meme i saw [the zillow page of his childhood home is the last open tab] ME: actually this isn't my phone

    That is so weird, must be the NSA.

    17. Inventing conspiracy theories:

    I knew it.

    18. Never learning from your mistakes:

    19. Thinking you're fine alone:

    When you cut everyone off and now you bored but got too much pride to hit anyone up

    I'm having a great time, don't worry about it.

    20. Spoiling your favorite shows:

    Oh. Cool.

    21. Babbling on and on:

    It would be weird if I stopped talking now, I'm just gonna keep going until someone cuts me off.

    22. Ignoring important emails:

    23. Jumping the gun:

    Me 2 days later: Nevermind, that's cancelled.

    24. Creating drama because you're bored:

    I just wanted a little excitement.

    25. Disregarding helpful advice:

    26. Thinking too much about your past:

    27. Not letting things go:

    Is it possible to just disappear now?

    28. And using all the wrong coping mechanisms:

    This is working for me, leave me alone.