16 Clothing Items '00s Disney Channel Kids Desperately Wanted In Their Wardrobe

    "It's a Raven Baxter original."

    1. The dress Raven Baxter made for a design contest:

    2. The $110 Style Shack hip-huggers Lizzie McGuire bought to win Best Dressed:

    3. The pants Jo McGuire, Lizzie's mom, found bargain hunting:

    4. The comic dress that Alex Russo ruined before Mr. Frenchy's fashion show:

    5. The cat sweater Miley Stewart got from Robbie Ray for her birthday:

    6. And Oliver Oken's matching dog version:

    7. The green sequinned hat Ryan Evans ~werked~ in High School Musical.

    8. The 3-arm and no-neck sweater London Tipton knit for Maddie Fitzpatrick at Christmas:

    9. Cory Baxter's "eating pants" that got filled with pickled artichoke mashed potatoes:

    10. The loosely tied tie Maddie wore as part of her candy-counter-girl uniform:

    11. The red unicorn sweater Lizzie's grandmother gave to her for Picture Day:

    12. The one-of-a-kind "Crazy 10 Minute Sale" jacket Alex and Gigi fought over:

    13. The dress Raven created for London in That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana:

    14. Chad Danforth's "I Majored in Vacation" High School Musical 2 tee:

    15. Literally all of Harper Finkel's weird AF outfit pieces:

    16. And, of course, Larry Tudgeman's one and only collared shirt:

    *talking mirror approves*

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