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    50 Years Of Architectural Success With Stephen B. Jacobs Of SBJ Group Architects And Planners

    I recently spoke with Stephen B. Jacobs, founder of SBJ Group Architects, who has been a visionary and leader in the architecture industry for over 50 years. Mr. Jacobs and his firm are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and he shared his top 10 most innovative and/or exciting projects over the past 50 years. Small Caveat: I had to push Mr. Jacobs to single out projects, as he seems to be in love with everything he has done, and rightfully so, they are some of the most well known projects in NYC (and around the globe). So, below you will find the answers to the #1 question that I asked Mr. Jacobs: After 5 Decades as an Architect, What Are Your Top 10 Favorite Projects?

    Stephen B. Jacobs

    1. 52 West 76th Street

    2. 130 Barrow

    3. Falls Mills

    Both the Patterson Mills (see below) and Falls Mills were located in historic districts, so historic tax credits were utilized to make the project financially feasible. In the 1980’s we started developing projects for our own account, predominantly in downtown Brooklyn, utilizing historic tax credits. This work was very specialized. A typical project of that time was Washington Court and St. James Court in Fort Greene, located on the full block front of Washington and Gates Avenues. Both were severely burnt out, 6-story apartment buildings that were completely renovated.

    4. Patterson Mills

    Obsolete industrial buildings were not limited to New York City. We converted several mills in Patterson, New Jersey which was the first industrial city built in the US, founded by Alexander Hamilton, and Falls Mill in Norwich, CT, which became a textbook example of how to adaptively convert a 19th century mill complex to residential uses.

    5. Library Hotel on 41st Street and Madison Avenue

    6. Gansevoort Hotel - Meatpacking

    7. Buchenwald Concentration Camp Memorial

    8. Hawthorne Park and The Encore

    9. 325 5th Avenue

    10. The Edge and Level in Brooklyn