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11 Little Ways To Bring More Joy Into Your Life

Pick up a joy razor at Walmart and cross shaving off your to-do list.

1. Seriously, oat milk belongs in your morning coffee. It will give you life.

2. Nail art is a total mood. 💅

3. Say hello to the perfect shave.

4. Maybe like...actually vacuum under your couch.

5. The only thing better than retail therapy is shopping from your couch in your sweatpants.

6. Eat only rainbow food for a day. 🦄🌈

7. Did you know you could order face masks in bulk?

8. Girl, you need a nap.

9. How cool would it be to invent your own yoga pose?

10. Your fave horoscope site is always there for you...

11. ...and so is that fancy pink drink you've been eying at your fave coffee shop.

Speaking of, have you heard of joy? They're all about bringing you the little wins, starting with a great shave so you can get back to life (aka that rainbow bagel isn't gonna eat itself!). Pick one up at Walmart.

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