Here's How To Properly Eat Pineapple Pizza, And You've Been Doing It Wrong This Whole Time

    Let's end the debate.

    UNILAD created this video on how to properly eat pineapple pizza.

    Facebook: uniladmag / Via Facebook: uniladmag

    This is a pineapple pizza – for years people have been debating if pineapple should even be on pizza.

    UNILAD ended the debate — showing that "how to eat a pineapple pizza," is more important than if it should even exist.

    First you slice the ham and pineapple topped pizza in four even slices.

    Then you let it cool.

    Show it to all of your friends and pineapple pizza lovers.

    And put the pineapple pizza where it belongs!

    What do you think?