This Girl Ate Edibles, Did A Pennywise Makeup Tutorial, And It Was... Interesting

    Happy Halloweed!

    Brandi TV loves makeup and apparently loves edibles. She watched a tutorial on how to do Pennywise makeup and then decided to give it a high... I mean try. Here's the video of Brandi TV "clowning" around.

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    Brandi TV starts off by indulging in a homemade "special" brownie. She's not quite sure how much to eat so she decides to finish the whole thing.

    After an hour she gets started on her Pennywise tutorial. But she doesn't have a bald cap so she creates one using a plastic bag.

    She then can't contain herself when it's time to glue her eyebrows. Honestly, it does seem really funny when you think about it.

    Brandi then gets creative when applying the foundation. She literally uses a kitchen sponge!!!

    When you think the creativity couldn't become anymore ridiculous, she uses an orange Scooby-Doo wig. Like who just has that laying around?

    After doing her lips and nose it was time to draw eyebrows and I'm gagging!

    With some finishing touch ups Pennywise has arrived!

    Aww look at that smile :)

    To check out more of Brandi TV's hilarious videos click here.