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    Justice Rocks Is Not A Normal Rockshow

    The internet today is a place where we're constantly looking for what is out of the box, we're looking for ideas and people that can enthrall us. But amongst this tide of both productive and unsubstantial information, drown a few good concepts that fail to reach out to the what-encompasses-the-world-today-list on Buzzfeed. 'Justice Rocks' is one of those concepts. "It is a rock show, a protest rock show where we talk about environmental issues and human rights violation... You know, the typical things rockstars talk about." That's how rapper and activist, Sophia Ashraf, defines it. That's an event where the organisation doesn't have to look for sponsors, because they have something called 'unsponsors'. The artists lash out on them throughout the event, urging the audience to boycott these brands as they exercise their Freedom of Speech. Despite limitless variety on the web today, it is the most fascinating concept I've come across in a while. It also marks Sophia Ashraf's debut on stage. Needless to say, if 'Justice Rocks' is what she debuted with, what was to happen when her rap released in 2015 was inevitable. Sophia stormed Unilever as she addressed the issue of mercury pollution in Kodaikanal, such that they had to 'make amends now'. Hear her talk about all of this, and more at the 'Josh Talks Website Launch'.