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    You And Your BFF Should Try These Eight Stretches For Flexibility

    Friends who get flexible together, stay together.

    Eight Stretches To Do With Your BFF

    Here's a video showing you how to do the stretches:

    Facebook: video.php

    1. First up, this stretch targets your shoulders and chest:

    2. Next, work on those shoulders and the chest area with this move:

    3. Then, your BFF is going to feel the burn in those hamstrings with this movement:

    4. Next up, your BFF's groin and inner thighs are really going to feel fabulously stretched after this next pose:

    5. As your pal's body starts to feel really good, the next move you're going to follow should target your inner thighs, hips, and hamstrings:

    6. We're not done yet! Don't give up... because this next position will make your hips and lower back feel amazing.

    7. Stay motivated and keep that energy high with this move that will target the quadriceps and hip flexors.

    8. Finally, end the stretch routine with this final stance that will really stretch your BFF's back and shoulders one last time...

    Have fun getting flexy!