We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    "Saved Me From Replacing My Entire Carpet": 23 Things That’ll Help You Clean About Every Inch Of Your Home This Winter

    These powerful and easy-to-use products will help you get off to a ~fresh~ start.

    1. A bottle of Sunny & Honey Carpet Miracle that makes it easy to banish discoloration and get your carpet back to looking like the day it was born!

    It's from a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets!

    Promising review: "Worth every penny. I’ve bought this product so many times now I have it on auto ship! Saw the reviews and figured I’d give it a try. My cat likes to pee over the litter box and stained the brand new carpet. I used this in my Bissell and it took all the stain and smell out!!! I’ll never use another cleaner." —Wendy

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97+ (available in two sizes).

    2. A septic safe jetted tub cleaner so you can actually enjoy warming up in your tub instead of feeling like you're cooking in a bacteria soup. All you have to do is run your water, pour in the cleaner, and run your jets!

    Reviewer photo of their jetted bath tub pushing out brown, dirty water
    Same reviewer's jetted tub drained but still dirty
    Same reviewer's jetted tub with clean water and a sparkly exterior

    Promising review: "Works better than anything else we have tried on our six-foot jetted hot tub. We have well water with lots of minerals. Oh Yuk gets the crud out fast and rinses easy. Been using it for three years and nothing else comes close." —Linda

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    3. A powerful, but gentle silicone paw cleaner here to make cleaning your pet's cute lil' feets a lot less of a hassle. Just add water, insert filthy paws, give 'em a little twist, and dab till dry! No scrubbing, no pain, and no more dirt, mud, sand, ice melt, and other grime getting tracked around your otherwise spotless home this winter. Sounds like a win-win!

    A muddy dog paw
    The same paw above the green silicone tube with bristles, clean

    Promising review: "UPDATE: I’ve been using this for a few weeks, and I love it. It cleans the salt off my dogs’ paws so easily. When it’s super dirty and the streets are covered in salt, I’ll refresh the water supply. I add a few drops of their doggie shampoo, and it works great.

    I have four dogs in NYC. I have to wash their feet after every walk because the streets are so filthy. It would take me about 10–15 min to clean their paws with a spray bottle and towel. Now it takes about five minutes. And the towel doesn’t end up filthy. The dirt gets caught in the cup. Plus the dogs seem to like it. The silicone bristles must feel good. A huge thumbs-up!" —Sandra

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in three sizes, eight colors, and with or without a lid).

    4. super-long extendable duster so you can stop neglecting cleaning your ceiling fans as well as other hard-to-reach spots like vents and under your furniture. This'll make it easy peasy!

    Amazon reviewer holding extendable duster
    Amazon reviewer using duster to reach lamp hanging in the middle of a hallway

    Promising review: "I love my new duster. The ability to extend the pole makes it easy to clean the ceiling fan blades, chandeliers, and the AC vents. Because it’s so lightweight it makes reaching very easy." —Linette Leadon

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in six colors and two styles).

    5. A hard-water remover that'll remove the cloudy film from your once-clear glass surfaces.

    Promising review: "When we moved into our new place the shower doors looked like they had never been cleaned before. I tried at least 10 different products and methods to remove the hard-water spots but nothing even made a dent. Bioclean, however, was like a magic eraser! I scrubbed each door for about 10 minutes and it was incredible! I’ve never written a cleaning product review before but this one is worth every penny." —Shane B

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    6. tub of appliance wipes so you can easily wipe down your glass cooktop, microwave door, and even tile, chrome, and granite surfaces instead of letting the grime get caked on — especially since you might be staying in and eating at home more this winter.

    Model wiping front of stove with the the appliance wipes

    For best results, buff surfaces with a microfiber cloth after using the wet wipes.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing. I can't stand when after I am cooking how I always have oil stains and grease on my cooktop! But with one wipe I am able to now get everything off the stove. It is very convenient to be able to just use one wipe for everything!" —Debra Elliott

    Get a pack of 30 wipes from Amazon for $9.97.

    7. Or a Cerama Bryte cooktop cleaning kit that'll make it easy peasy to remove the year's worth of crud stuck to your stove top that you've been staring at, hoping it'll magically disappear one day.

    A before photo of a reviewer's smooth-top range with lots of stains
    An after photo of the same range looking shiny with all the stains gone

    It comes with a bottle of cleaner, a scraper, and a cleaning pad.

    Promising review: "Works amazing! I hadn't thoroughly scrubbed my glass cooktop in years, only wiped it down with random multi cleaners that never seemed to do much. Then a friend recommended this product...AMAZING! The included scrubbers and scrapers really make the difference. As others have said, it will leave your cooktop shiny and new. Even marks that had been on there for years came almost completely off — 98% better. The key is to use very little product. Let it dry to a haze and wipe with a clean dry cotton towel (just like waxing a car). If you aren't getting a mirrored finish, it's because you've used too much product and not enough elbow grease to polish it off." —B. Swartwood

    Get it from Amazon for $13.83.

    8. pet urine stain removing spray perfect for pet owners who are desperate to remove spots and smells both old and new. If your dog tends to not wanna go outside in the cold, and has more accidents *inside* as a result, you'll be glad you have this stuff on hand. Simply spray and let the enzymes gobble up all the gross stuff you don't feel like spending forever scrubbing away at. Then, just blot and let air dry, and you can cross it off your to-do list!

    Reviewer image of a stained carpet
    Reviewer image of same carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "Y’all! This stuff is AMAZING! I sprayed the carpet thoroughly to where it was pretty saturated and let it sit overnight. I woke up the next morning and the carpet was mostly dry I’m assuming from the ceiling fan air so I didn’t have to lay any towels down to soak up any excess moisture. Let me just say I was EXTREMELY impressed. The carpet was brighter, smelled fresher and it wasn’t stiff how other carpet cleaners tend to leave your carpet! 

    The thing I was most impressed by though was that the dark spots on our carpet were completely gone and this was without having to do any scrubbing! I literally sprayed the carpet the night before and I woke up to a cleaner, like-new carpet the next morning! I’m extremely extremely impressed and will be ordering the gallon size to do the entire carpet." —Ieshia M.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

    9. A jar of The Pink Stuff, which is beloved by the Internet for being great at easily removing stains, rust, discoloration, and other stubborn marks from metal, ceramic tiles, saucepans, barbecues, and much more without leaving behind any scratches! Getting your space looking sharp has truly never been easier.

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do with this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97+ (available in three sizes and packs of two and three).

    10. A pack of dishwasher cleaning tablets, because spending more time at home = more dirty dishes, and who wants to spend time loading up the dishwasher only for it to present you with dishes that are STILL dirty?? No thank you. Simply pop these tabs in and let them deep clean your dishwasher for you so it'll do a better job.

    a grimy dishwasher
    a shiny dishwasher

    These tablets are designed to penetrate, dissolve, and remove odor-causing residue that accumulates inside your dishwasher over time, as well as remove lime and mineral buildup. Using Affresh tablets once a month can prolong the life of your dishwasher and make it more effective at doing its job: cleaning your dishes.

    Promising review: "Works extremely well. We haven't done any cleaning on our dishwasher in five years, and the sliding dish trays were tough to pull out or push in, there was detergent build up all over the inside, and there was a milky film on all our cups. I bought Affresh, ran the dishwasher with two tablets while it was empty, and the difference was astounding.

    There was still some build up and I figured it would require another cycle, so I popped another two tablets in, ran the machine a second time, and now it looks and sounds brand new. No more film on the glasses, no more dirty dishes from clogged sprayers, no more odors, or buildup around the door seals. I'm going to be buying Affresh from now on, and hopefully it will extend the life of my dishwasher." —Martoune

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

    11. And some washing machine cleaning tablets you just have to run through a cycle to clean your machine and get rid of all the gross stuff making your clothes smell funky even after they come out of the wash. A fresh start for the year begins with fresh smelling clothes!

    Promising review: "I purchased with skepticism, but after using them I am pleasantly surprised. I LOVE this product!! Our laundry used to come out smelling WORSE than before I washed it. I thought I needed to buy a new washing machine. NO!!! I used two tabs initially (two different wash cycles), then use one a month for maintenance. My clothes always come out smelling fresh and clean! What a miracle, money-saving product. Only wish I’d known about them sooner!" —Ashley

    Get a box of three tablets from Amazon for $11.95 (also available in packs of five and six).

    12. A set of Keurig cleaning cups if your machine is getting grimy after all the hot beverages it's been in charge of this winter. Simply pop one of these cups into your Keurig just like you're making a normal cup of coffee. Then, all you have to do is brew one large cycle with the cleaner pod, and one or more with just water (depending on how dirty it is in there), and you're done! Before you go replacing the whole thing, give these a try first!

    Reviewer image of beaker beneath Keurig showing the effects of cleaning pods with brown water coming out of machine.
    Three glass containers showing the progression of colored water to come out of machine. From brown water on the left to clean clear water on the right.

    In the reviewer image above on the right, the first cup is after running the cleaning pod (GROSS!) and then the cup on the right is after three rinse cycles!

    Promising review: "I give 5 stars!! These were really quick and clean... and easy!! So happy to have found these. My machine needed it bad. I use my Keurig every day and recently noticed how dirty the needle was getting and the coffee was starting to taste 'off.' Will definitely start a routine cleaning with these cups! Made a huge difference." —Reggie Gonzalez

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95 (also available as a pack of 12).

    13. A bottle of Green Gobbler Drain Clog Dissolver that'll quickly gobble up any hair or other buildup in your various drains so you can keep plumbing issues at bay.

    Green Gobbler is plant-based, biodegradable (yayyy environment!), odorless, and non-corrosive so it won't damage your pipes during the cleaning process.

    Promising review: "OK... So I have to do a little review on this product BECAUSE I have had a stopped-up kitchen sink and have LITERALLY tried EVERYTHING down to the industrial products with NO luck. I decided to go on Amazon and read a few reviews. This is the one I decided to go with. I only used one chamber, let it sit for an hour, and then used boiling water. My sink is NO LONGER stopped up!!! I saved a plumber bill and this was $11.97. HUGE win for this woman!!" —Tabpeach

    Get it from Amazon for $11.84.

    14. A set of three drill brush attachments capable of making your surfaces look brand-new — without any scrubbing on your part! Just attach the brush head to your drill, turn it on, and watch all of that grime disappear so fast and easily, you'll think it's magic.

    Need a drill? Here's one!

    Promising review: "I bought the yellow and use it regularly for cleaning shower tile, removing hard-water stains from glass (with Lime-A-Way) and even for my oven top. For the price you can't beat it. They are good quality and the different sizes are convenient for different jobs. Gonna get a red set next for the tougher jobs!" —Emir D Hayic

    Get the set of three from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six colors and five bristle stiffnesses).

    15. Some Bissell Stomp & Go Cleaning Pads that simply ask you to stomp on them to release a powerful cleaning formula capable of banishing tough set-in stains from wine, pet messes, mud, coffee, blood, and more. You don't even have to scrub or touch the stain at all — these pads'll do all the hard work and leave your carpet smelling nice and fresh after!

    Promising review: "These things saved me from replacing my entire upstairs carpet! We had already replaced one section before finding these and were worried we’d have to replace another section at a cost of $3,000. Stomp and leave it for 24 hours and I was amazed to see my carpet was its original light cream color. I now stock a box of these and have told every one of my pet-owning friends about them. I’ll never spend hours scrubbing the floor or carpet shampooing again!" —findingk8

    Get a 20-pack from Amazon for $27.49.

    16. And a Bissell multipurpose carpet and upholstery cleaner here to make removing tough pet stains no big deal thanks to its super strong spray and suction capabilities. If your pets are reigning destruction upon your carpets, household fabrics, furniture, and car interiors this winter — this was made for you.

    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $16.99

    Promising review: "Yep! TikTok made me buy it and I loved it. Looked for it online, and on Walmart they were about 150 dollars for some reason?? Got it here, and I am LOVING IT. Things definitely look cleaner. Spots on my carpet are gone, and my car seats look brand new for the first time since I bought it! Directions are easy. Just a heads up, MAKE SURE TO USE WARM WATER. If you leave water in it and it gets cold, it's not as effective, so just follow instructions and it should be wonderful!" —Carlos 

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59+ (available in two styles). 

    17. pumice stone toilet bowl scrubber because nothing says ~new year new you~ like a *sparkling* toilet. This makes removing stubborn stains — no one's favorite job to begin with — a heck of a lot faster and easier so you can spend as little time face-to-face with your throne as humanly possible. It also works great on tubs, sinks, tile, and other porcelain and ceramic surfaces that are no fun to clean without this helpful tool.

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Check out the pumice stone in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this. This thing literally scoured away hard-water stains that I have been trying to get rid of for years in less than 30 seconds. 10/10 recommend." —Tleary25

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (also available as a pack of two).

    18. A *loooooooooooong* vacuum hose attachment capable of reaching those hard-to-reach spaces behind the stove, fridge, couch, and laundry machines that you know are getting grosser and grosser the longer you avoid them. It's also great for cleaning out your dryer vent so it doesn't get clogged with lint — which makes for longer drying times, higher utility bills, and even dangerous fires. Skip all that hassle by simply attaching this hose to your vacuum and letting it do all the hard work!

    reviewer photo of the blue vacuum attachment with accumulated dust
    Reviewer image of the vacuum hose attachment going into a dryer

    This hose adapter fits on most vacuum cleaners (except for some Dysons), and some reviewers have even found socks they thought were gone forever after this thing pulled them out of their lint traps!

    Promising review: "This thing is seriously amazing. I figured out how to use it very quickly and it worked like a charm. I had a sock stuck way down in my vent and would've had no idea! I still can't believe how much lint and dust came out of my dryer. My husband is already talking about other uses for this unique tool, like getting into tight spaces in our cars." —J. Johnson

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in six colors).

    19. A FURemover rubber squeegee broom reviewers say attracts hair like a magnet. All that fur and fuzz hiding deep in your carpet is no match for this thing, and while pet hair is the focus, it'll do an impressive job cleaning up water, dirt, and dust too.

    A photo of the Furemover squeegee broom being held over a blue and pink-printed rug. The broom has a yellow stick and the squeegee part is black. There's a clump of hair that's been presumably corralled by the squeegee.
    A photo of the same yellow and black squeegee broom on a hardwood floor with a big clump of hair that's presumably been corralled by the broom.

    Promising review: "I really didn’t expect this to work. We’ve had short-haired cats for years and I had a rubber upholstery brush that never seemed to do anything. Well, we recently got a dog — a black Great Pyrenees mix. There is fur everywhere. Our downstairs is all hard flooring with area rugs and I hate lugging my Shark vacuum every couple of days but just daily sweeping with a regular broom wasn’t cutting it.

    I decided to take a chance on this broom and I am so happy I did. It takes some elbow grease but it gets the fur off the area rug in my living room... Not only is it great for getting the fur off rugs, but it’s also even better on the hard floors. My regular broom catches some of the hair (which I then have to clean off by hand) but much of it just swirls away in the breeze the sweeping creates. This broom actually collects even the tiny stray hairs and deposits them in the dust pile without me having to get my hands dirty (literally)." —Sarah R.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in three sizes and in different sets; replacement pieces also available).

    20. A speedy oven cleaner designed to blast through baked-on crud, so all you have to do is simply wipe it clean. If you've been doing more baking this winter (with the added bonus of heating the house up), your oven might need a little TLC.

    Reviewer's before and after photos of their dirty oven caked in burned food looking clean and brand new
    Another reviewer's dirty oven, which has a thick layer of black grime on it
    The same oven looking shiny and new after using the oven cleaner

    If your oven is in need of a deep, deep clean, you may need to let this cleaner sit longer, but it'll do a heck of a job lifting all the barnacles of food bits that are crusted on your oven.

    Promising review: "Oh man, this stuff is awesome! I sprayed and left it on overnight. I had no idea what to expect. I took a paper towel and started wiping out the oven. The grime just melted away. It was awesome! I am VERY pleased! And it is truly odor-free. I was shocked! —KsGrl444

    Get it from Amazon for $6.32.

    21. Or a heavy-duty oven scrub that'll make oven disasters a lot *less* disastrous. It's made with gritty pumice stone so you can easily scrape out those burnt-on bits on the sides, racks, and even on the door's glass panel.

    gif of someone rubbing the paste on a dirty oven door and wiping the door clean with a cloth
    Everneat / Etsy

    Everneat is a small business based in Fairfield, Connecticut, that specializes in natural cleaning products.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing! It works fast with pretty minimal elbow grease. The stainless-steel sponge that comes with it makes it easier. And it smells great!" —Melissa C.

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy for $19.99 (available in two scents).

    22. A strangely fun-to-use universal cleaning putty — it'll get to those nearly impossible-to-reach nooks and crannies in your keyboard, car vents, printer, and other appliances where dust and crumbs are steadily building up.

    Model using putty to clean a car vent

    See it in use on TikTok!

    Promising review: "This product does exactly what it says it does. I saw this product from TikTok. I was surprised at how easily it picks up dust and small debris, especially from inside of vents and cup holders. The only complaint is the very artificial smell when you use it. It doesn’t last, just when it’s out of the container!" —Loren

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    23. natural glass cleaner that uses vinegar, essential oils, and alcohol to help cut grease and leave your bathroom mirror streak-free. Just spray and wipe — and your work here is done!

    the spray bottle of natural citrus glass cleaner
    Pardo Naturals

    Pardo Naturals is a Black woman-owned small business based in Georgia. The shop makes products designed for people with sensitive skin, and even offers natural product–making classes.

    Get it from Pardo Naturals for $8.99 (available in four scents; Shop Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal available).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.