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    33 Products To Give Your Bathroom An Upgrade

    A comfy tub pillow, a life-changing bidet attachment, space-saving storage solutions and other products that make it easy to take your bathroom from drab to fab.

    1. A Tushy bidet attachment that'll make all other bathrooms pale in comparison. You'll feel much cleaner and more refreshed after going #2, plus it cuts down on your TP usage and makes your routine more sustainable.

    2. A waterproof notepad cleverly designed so you can stop forgetting your brilliant shower thoughts!

    hand writing "no more great ideas down the drain" on notepad in shower

    3. A grout paint pen that works like a regular marker to make it beyond easy to cover up the years and years of dirt and grime that are keeping your bathroom from ever looking truly clean.

    4. A three-piece cosmetic organizer perfect for keeping your essentials from cluttering up the tiny area around your sink.

    The clear cosmetic organizer filled with makeup

    5. A cloud-shaped toilet paper holder to help you hold your extra rolls in a surprisingly fun way.

    The holder installed on a bathroom wall and holding rolls of toilet paper in a cloud-like formation

    6. A laundry hamper you can hang on the door to help keep your floor free of dirty towels, clothes, and space-hogging laundry baskets.

    The hamper hung over a door

    7. A eucalyptus lavender pouch to make your bathroom feel more like the tranquil spa you deserve. Plus, if you hang it in the shower, the steam releases natural oils that can help clear respiratory passageways and sinuses while relaxing your mind and body.

    A small satchel of lavender and eucalyptus hanging from a bath handle

    8. A bath overflow drain cover so you can actually enjoy a relaxing bath even if your tub is on the shallow side. This'll give you a few extra inches of toasty water... all without causing your tub to make that obnoxious gulping sound that is the opposite of relaxing.

    The drain cover overtop of the overflow drain in a full bath

    9. A easy-to-install color-changing shower head designed to make it feel like a party in there! Plus, no batteries are required since the light is powered solely by running water.

    10. A shower door cleaner that'll banish stubborn soap scum and hard water stains so your shower glass can sparkle like the day it was born.

    Reviewer photo of dirty glass shower door
    Reviewer photo of same shower door after cleaning with Rain-X cleaner

    Promising review: "This product works beautifully. I tried a lot of products to remove the hard water from my glass shower. I have to admit the first time I used it with a cloth, it was not very effective. The second time I used a nonabrasive sponge for glass, and it turned out beautiful just like the first day the glass was installed." —EJP

    Get it from Amazon for $10.18.

    11. A Squatty Potty that'll help your body to be in the perfect position for a much easier, healthier #2. Plus, you can fold it down and tuck it away when you're done so it doesn't add to the clutter.

    12. And a lovely rose and patchouli-scented candle to make your bathroom smell like a beautiful garden instead of...you know.

    The candle surrounded by flowers

    13. A motion-activated toilet light so you don't have to turn on the harsh, unforgiving light that'll wake you up completely when stopping by in the middle of the night.

    14. A gorgeous shower curtain that'll make your shower look like a work of art.

    white shower curtain with irregular black dots forming a small diamond print

    15. A bathtub pillow so you can actually sit comfortably while relaxing in the tub.

    The pillow in a bathtub

    16. Or a shower curtain with pockets if the situation around the edge of your tub has gotten a little...out of control.

    Reviewer image of the shower curtain with a variety of shampoos, hair brushes, and other bathroom items stored in the pockets

    17. A suction cup drink holder to keep your fave beverage within reach, whether you're taking a quick shower or chilling in the tub.

    18. Some small personalized toothbrush holders in case you need to save counter space and make sure it's EXTRA clear that your toothbrush is for your mouth only.

    Four toothbrush holders with names on them

    19. An expandable rack that'll help you squeeze a surprising amount of stuff around your inconveniently shaped bathroom sink pipe.

    reviewer pic of inside a bathroom vanity cabinet with a lot of organized items in a small space thanks to the adjustable organizer

    20. Some 100% bamboo toilet paper — it's super soft, and a much more sustainable option than regular toilet paper.

    The toilet paper

    21. An over-the-door towel rack so you have somewhere to put your towels that isn't all over the floor. Plus, it includes hooks so you can hang your robe and other clothes too!

    back of bathroom door with a towel rack that has three tiers of racks for towels

    22. A rain showerhead to transform your normal ol' shower into something a little more luxurious.

    23. A heat-resistant styling station you can hang on a towel rack for easy access and to keep the cables from getting all tangled up.

    The styling station holding hair tools and hanging from a towel rack

    24. Some medicine cabinet organizers to give you more room to efficiently fill your cabinet without having to worry about everything tumbling out every time you open it.

    inside a medicine cabinet with clear plastic organizers

    25. Some cruelty-free, vegan-friendly body wash you'll wanna always have in your shower since it's filled with a blend of essential oils to help nourish and cleanse your skin without drying it out.

    The bottle of body wash

    26. A cotton swab-coralling flower if your favorite kind of storage is the kind disguised as decor.

    review pic of the lotus flower-like holdr

    27. A shower mat that feels and looks like real pebbles to upgrade your shower floor, soothe your tired feet, and help prevent slips.

    28. A hanging caddy you can attach to a showerhead or curtain rod to hold all of those things that are usually cluttering the corners of your shower.

    The caddy holding various tubes and hanging from the shower head

    29. A set of stackable corner shelves to make the most of your counter space.

    The shelves holding a variety of bottles and containers

    30. A tiny outlet shelf that's easy to install in minutes if you need a little extra storage for your toothbrush, glasses, or any other small items that won't fit anywhere else.

    reviewer pic of outlet shelf with two electric toothbrushes stored on the shelf
    another reviewer pic with contact items and several other things stored on the outlet shelf

    FYI, it installs like a regular outlet cover, and can also be installed so the shelf is below the outlet.

    Promising review: "I was very skeptical about this one, I had it in my cart for a while and just couldn’t get myself to order it. Once I did and I received it, I was so happy I did. I will be ordering more now. It adds extra storage space. My laundry room is very limited so any added storage is key! I use it for my dryer sheets. I’ll be ordering another to store a small trash bin for lint from the dryer. I’m thinking about also adding these around the house for other things. So easy to install, takes literally less than two minutes." —Hazel Vera

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in four colors and multipacks).

    31. A bath bubble massage mat to easily turn your tiny, boring tub into the Jacuzzi of your dreams.

    32. Some shower steamers you can place in the corner of your shower to release calming fragrances while you unwind.

    The steamers next to their packaging

    33. And finally, a bamboo bath mat that dries so much faster than the rug or towel you usually use. If you're always stepping out of your clean shower onto moist fabric covered in dirt and hair while praying it doesn't cause you to slip on the wet floor...it might be time for an upgrade. Plus, it'll add a classy look to your space.

    The mat outside of a shower

    Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.