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    14 Guidelines For Sensible US Middle East Policy.

    TLDR: Work with anyone who will work with us, Interests matter more than religion or ideology, power vacuums are very bad, corruption & anarchy are very bad. ISIS and Iran could potentially become allies. If given the proper motivation.

    1. The Devil you know is almost always better than the devil you don't

    2. Do not overthrow autocratic dictators; unless you plan on maintaining their infrastructure, otherwise their state will soon become a failed state.

    3. Do not stand on ideology, there are still people in the region that are willing to work with the US. Some may hold contemptuous views, some may be a different religion. Work with them.

    4. Do not give money and weapons to rich Saudi fuckboys, then pretend you don't know why you are fighting them.

    5. DO NOT, arm a militia, then pull support after the mission is complete.

    6. If you do arm a militia, make sure they are not salafists or other religious extremists.

    7. If you do indeed make the mistake listed in no.5 or no.6, at least ensure that the militia's ability to exert force is extinguished and that they no longer hold the reigns to power before leaving the region.

    8. Lower farming tariffs, lower the corn subsidy.

    9. Israel is your ally, but their domestic policy is a PR Disaster.

    10. The Kurds need their own state. It has been over 100 years that the allies have been promising one to them. Time to step it up and give it to them.

    11. Break up Syria & Iraq into 4 states.

    12. Reach a detente with Iran and forge an alliance.

    13. Recognize the Islamic State as a state, and offer them an alliance with the US.

    14. The whole world needs to stop using so much oil.

    The US has the technology to power the entire nation on electricity. It would be better for everyone if we did. The same goes for the rest of the world, with proper investment of course.