Behold The Most Terrifying Mascot To Ever Exist

    His name is Billy Bob and his face is pain.

    In the '80s and early '90s there was a Chuck E. Cheese's competitor called Showbiz Pizza. 🎵 "Where a kid can be a kid!" 🎵

    And the restaurant's mascot was Billy Bob the bear, the most horrifying thing you've ever seen. Watch out, little boy!!!!


    I would never murder anyone.

    The "save your family" part is correct.

    Come play with me forever.

    There's no escape.

    Let's make it worse. Here are the disembodied faces in a warehouse somewhere.

    Perhaps more horrifying is his mouse friend, Mitzi.

    And his polar bear-ish friend "Beach Bear" (???) isn't super comforting.

    Here's the bear's defunct band, known as the Rock-Afire Explosion (???), doing Usher's "Love In This Club."

    View this video on YouTube

    Sweet dreams.