21 Chickens Just Doin' Chicken Stuff

    These chickens are just like, whaaaat?

    1. This chicken drives its own truck like a boss.

    2. This chicken's like, "You think you're better than me? 'Cause you ain't."

    3. These chickens just rolled up in their Honda Pilot and are like, "Where da party at?"

    4. This chicken is like, "Why's this dog all up in my grill?"

    5. These chickens are like, "Check out this dope chicken bridge."

    6. This chicken is like, "Yeah, so what?"

    7. This chicken is like, "Wow you made some really good points. I have a lot to think about now."

    8. This chicken is like, "I'm sporty as hell."

    9. This chicken is straight up showing off.

    10. These chickens are like, "What what what."

    11. Oh my god it's Clara the Clucking Clerk, only the most famous clerk chicken in the world.

    12. This chicken's like, "Now you see where I live. Now you know the truth."

    13. This chicken is... doing something... ???

    14. These chickens are not about whatever you're about.

    15. This chicken is like, "I have seen the future and it's nothing but fire, FIRE EVERYWHERE."

    16. Classic chicken pile.

    17. This chicken doesn't understand why it has to be involved in this situation.

    18. Have you ever picked up a chicken? I heard it's like holding a cloud!

    19. Buncha chickens just running this woman out of town.

    20. This chicken is so over these other jokers.

    21. These chickens are like, "Nothing can stop us as long as we have each other."