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    We Tested These Tile Stickers And Found The Stuff We Always Lose

    Cancel that APB on your missing wallet, keys, and phone.

    According to a recent study, on average, forgetful Americans spend a total of two and a half days per year searching for misplaced or lost items (looking at/for you, wallet, keys, and phone). That’s a summer Friday and a weekend right there!

    If you’re especially accomplished in the art of thing-losing, you probably know about Tile, the Bluetooth tracking device that allows you to “ring your things” when they’ve gone missing or find them via a companion app.

    The Basics

    Who / What It’s For

    The Good

    The Not-So-Good

    The Takeaway

    Never. Ever. Again.

    Get a two-pack of Tile Stickers from Amazon for $33.60.