British Towns Are Burning Effigies Of Donald Trump

    It's a Bonfire Night tradition to burn hated figures, and this year the Republican presidential candidate is the most popular target.

    Effigies of Donald Trump are being burned in British towns on Saturday night, as part of the annual Bonfire Night celebrations.

    A natural target for #LewesBonfire this year: who else but Donald Trump himself?

    Although most towns burn effigies of Guy Fawkes – to celebrate the failure of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot to kill King James I – others like to do things differently.

    The Sussex town of Lewes has a tradition of burning effigies of public figures, with different local groups competing to make the most impressive effigy of a hated figure, which is then paraded through the streets before being set on fire.

    One effigy has Trump riding a bull and was pulled through the streets of Lewes by people wearing sombreros.

    Another has Trump armed with pistols, driving a car down "Route 666".

    If you wanted to see Donald Trump go up in smoke, Lewes really is the place to be tonight. #BBS #lewesbonfire

    Twitter: @robjvine

    ...with a small alien dressed in union jack shorts trying to climb over the wall.

    Meanwhile, the Kent town of Edenbridge has also constructed a 36-foot Trump effigy after deciding he's "the biggest villain of 2016".

    Other British people are burning more modest effigies of Trump in their gardens.

    Burning a Donald Trump Guy this 5th of November. Happy Bonfire Night! #Nov5th #BonfireNight

    We're having a bonfire in our back garden and decided that we're setting fire to Donald trump