46 Things We Learned From This Year's Political Party Conferences

    The UK's political parties have spent the last three weeks holding their annual conferences across the UK. This is what you missed.

    1. Ed Balls is actually a pretty good footballer.


    2. Even when this happened.

    3. But he can't get in the door at the Rovers Return.

    4. Everyone tried to ignore the fact that Scotland almost broke away.

    5. Macaroons with politicians' faces are a thing.

    6. Launching an Instagram page during a party conference can be really smart... or it could lead a politician to get instantly trolled.

    Reading the comments under @Ed_Miliband's Instagram account is already my favourite thing.

    7. Politicians take driving simulator games really seriously.

    Just going to leave this here #Lab14

    8. Keith Vaz is still a thing.

    Keith Vaz, Labour MP for Vazville, getting frisky on the dancefloor. Pics from Standard: http://t.co/lYYrV7OV4Y

    9. There's always room for fiscal restraint at Roy's Rolls.

    Ed Balls says Roy's Rolls can cure the economic deficit.

    10. "Never kissed a Tory" t-shirts still sell well in some places.

    11. Ed Miliband likes to namecheck strangers he meets on Hampstead Heath. And as a result we all live in a world of Gareths.

    12. And Ed also likes to grab mints.


    13. Conferences are strange places where newspaper columnists and MPs are treated like rock stars and get selfies.

    Oh, and also, we got a selfie with @OwenJones84... not bragging or anything @pegahmaysaMYP

    14. A lot of people just don't turn up to listen to speeches, regardless of the party.

    15. There is always a place for the man with the No Nukes dog.

    16. The UKIP "we're not racist" closet is the greatest thing ever.


    17. Surprise defections enliven any conference.


    18. Giving way to terrible jokes.

    Delighted I can finally use my "to lose one MP to UKIP may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks Reckless" joke

    19. UKIP types wish it was the 19th century.

    20. But certain UKIP politicians like to challenge stereotypes.

    Overheard at UKIP conference: "I am a raving homosexual. I have been taking it up the arse for 35 years." #challengingstereotypes

    21. During conference season absolutely everything was at risk of defecting from the Conservatives to UKIP.

    Strong rumour this smashed plant pot on a Birmingham street is about to defect to UKIP. It has yet to return my calls

    22. We discovered David Cameron writes his speeches while watching David Cameron.

    Who approved this photo-op with the PM writing his speech while having the TV in the background showing his own face?

    23. And heard David Cameron's fascinating Yorkshire accent.


    24. People didn't always get the coverage they were after.

    25. And we were reminded how politicians should always be careful as to where they stand.

    26. Boris Johnson gained his own look-a-like toy.

    27. While Grant Shapps showed he knows how to use Google Glass.

    28. Even the press officers get bored at their party's conference.

    Miley Cyrus is playing loudly in the press room of #CPC14

    29. And politicians occasionally find it really difficult to come up with different words.

    Siraj Datoo / BuzzFeed

    Choose a compact disc player.

    30. Paisley pyjamas were back in fashion after this piece, with Tory MPs wishing they were using Snapchat to send their inappropriate pictures.

    31. Michael Gove selfies are a thing.

    32. Party conferences are prime time for figuring out just how much environment minister Liz Truss cares about pork.

    Dino Sofos

    33. And more people will watch mash-ups of political speeches than the speeches.


    34. Politicians talk to bricks these days, apparently.


    35. And you're never more than five yards away from a PR stunt.

    36. Free booze is still the easiest way to get people along to your event.

    37. And there's always a lot of excellent merchandise to buy.

    38. By the end of conference season it become a bit too much for some people.

    Ironic that #LibDems think their conference slogan "Winning Here" is appropriate in a venue that is virtually empty.

    39. Despite the thrilling fringe events everywhere.

    Anyone want to come to this at Lib Dem conference? #ldconf14

    40. It also became clear that white elephants don't last forever.

    The anti-HS2 inflatable white elephant, a feature of every party conference, reaches the Lib Dems and deflates.

    41. You can buy anything branded with any politician.

    I've just bought a heavily-discounted mug featuring energy secretary Ed Davey. How's YOUR Sunday?

    42. The Lib Dems like to hold discos.

    MC Huppz and his disco crew in da house!!! #libdemdisco #ldconf

    43. People are still obsessed with what the politicians wear.

    Nick Clegg's trousers will be "casual until the speech tomorrow" says spokesman, in a tone that suggests this is a new low for journalism.

    44. Journalists start to lose it by the end of conference season.

    Revealed. The secret behind the tireless @paulwaugh...a stash of Irn Bru. The waugh room memo is made from girders

    45. The annual Lib Dem glee club sing-a-long is a dark, dark place.


    46. And no matter where the conference is held, there will be a man dressed as a giant sun trying to flog solar panels to schools.