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    11 Times Progressive NJ Gov Candidate Jim Johnson Was Low-Key A Legend

    On June 6th, New Jersey voters will go to the polls to elect a Democratic nominee for Governor. But how much do you know about the candidates? Here are 11 times progressive Democrat Jim Johnson proved he's ready to become New Jersey's next Governor.

    1. When Jim received the Alexander Hamilton Award at the U.S. Treasury.

    2. When Jim doubled the solve rate on church arsons alongside former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

    3. When Jim's agents tricked drug dealers and bankers into coming to a “casino opening” but threw them in jail instead.

    4. When Jim took on money laundering in Colombia.

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    From the Associated Press:

    "Treasury Undersecretary James Johnson says the peso exchange system is one of the largest avenues for laundering the profits from drug sales.

    'This system is perhaps the most dangerous and damaging form of money laundering that we have ever encountered.'

    Johnson says household appliances and cigarettes are some of the products most commonly involved in these illegal trade schemes. And that major U-S corporations may be participants, either knowingly or unwittingly. And he says the long arm of the law will prosecute those companies that are found to be engaging partners in the drug laundering market.

    'So that if there are those who are out there that are facilitating this, willingly facilitating this criminal enterprise, this criminal system, they should know that we will be vigilante and were intending to pursue this matter with a great deal of vigor.'"

    5. When Jim fought to get 600,000 formerly incarcerated individuals back on the voter rolls after they were disenfranchised in Florida.

    6. When Jim went after Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford's money in Antigua.

    7. When Jim's agents seized a helicopter from drug dealers.

    8. When Jim founded New Jersey Communities Forward (NJCF) and helped New Jersey create one of the first police body camera policies in the country.

    9. When Jim testified to Congress in 1999 and threw then-Sen. Jeff Sessions the shade that all of us feel.

    10. When Jim fought to desegregate Westchester County, NY.

    11. When Jim ran to be the first African-American Governor of NJ against the political machine and promised to enact comprehensive ethics reform and end the War on Drugs.