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    Uncle G (Grant Cardone) And 20 Of His Methods To Kill The Evil Beast Within

    Grant Cardone is known as a motivational speaker, real estate wiz, and no bullsh*t entrepreneur. In 2016 we were introduced to a new way of being 'obsessed' with success so I want to share 20 of the top learnings that have helped me take my life and business to a new level.

    20 Methods To Changing Your Life

    Grant Cardone has a way of getting you fired up. From the love he gives his family, the nice cars and private jets, a canny ability to sell and inspire, and a mindset that takes you from 0 to hero. His teachings offer valuable life lessons to those both looking to overcome the fear of business or really, those struggling with anything they face.

    Grant’s story in itself is an inspiration but the way he sees the world is contagious to those A-Players who truly want to change their lives.

    Like many of those reading this, I myself once blamed the world for everything wrong in MY life. Nothing was my fault, it was always someone else’s or the universe. Until one day, I had enough. I said, fine, the world sucks…big deal. And from that time on I dedicated my energy and mindset on changing my situation for the better.

    Cardone’s philosophy is simple: Give something your 100% focus when you’re working on it and don’t let anything or anyone bring you down. Whether your focus is your family, beating a negative habit, business, or seeing who can avoid stepping on cracks (for those superstitious out there) give that your all and surround yourself with those that will help you accomplish your goal.

    Having published numerous pieces, including having his own courses, talk shows, channels, and academy – Grant holds true to his lessons and they always circle back to the same principles and learnings. In addition to encouraging everyone to pick up his latest works and attend a live event with him (I’m in no way being paid to write this!), check out my biggest 20 takeaways for a better and healthier (both physically and mentally) life:

    1.People that are dissatisfied will try to convince you to settle and be satisfied to make sense of their own shitty life

    2.Sometimes you need to do what you believe in, not what the market supposedly needs. Did you know that despite a ‘professional’ opinion, Howard Schultz shut down a Japanese’s consultant because of what he believed in and ended up making the right decision? One that, if he had listened to the consultant, would have cost them millions and a sour brand loyalty in the region

    3.Congratulate people on their success

    4.Create a motivational sell chart that describes what strengths and weaknesses you have…and more importantly…what do those things mean!?

    5.The people that do nothing always make things more complex than it needs to be

    6.To change things, you need to change your environment. Work from somewhere else, live somewhere else, change your environment to start thinking differently

    7.Become an early adopter. Don’t be that old man or lady saying, ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘need another app’. Play the role and be in the game!

    8.If you set a goal too high, don’t lower it, meet the goal

    9.If a customer doesn’t buy, don’t leave it alone. Respectfully, but always, ask: “Why didn’t you buy today?”

    10.If a manager or person says they ‘don’t want to babysit their team’, they will likely come up with any excuse in the book to not perform or why they are not meeting their quota. If you were having brain surgery, wouldn’t you want that neurosurgeon micromanaging the process? Don’t sit there with a dying pulse being afraid to micromanage your team a little bit

    11.F*ck the traditional saying – OVER PROMISE…then…OVER DELIVER! Be the very best and accept nothing less

    12.Always commit 100% in the beginning. Don’t worry about the minute details, everyone has a first time for everything. First time eating, first time having a kid, first time getting sued. If you fail it’s because you were not committed.

    13.Have a BIG mentality. If you had only 20 seconds during the Super Bowl to say something about yourself what would it be? Would it be ‘I am decent’? NO! It would be ‘I am GREAT!’ and you would want to probably make sure everyone knew it

    14.Tell people how superior you are, not how ethical you are.

    15.Most successful people have all failed the personality test that companies use to look through candidates. Saying they’re not good leaders or not good at taking directions…well, maybe they don’t need to be those things

    16.If you want to make more money, you must create. The responsibility of making more money is on the employee not the employer. You can’t just come to work and make more money.

    17.Be consistent

    18.Work hard and fast

    19.Invest in yourself

    20.Don’t comfort people when things don’t go well, push them to do better. Sympathy doesn’t pay the bills!

    Reading through these you may be thinking switching between adjectives such as ‘ignorant’, ‘conceited’, ‘arrogant’. Or maybe you see these and they fire you up to kill that evil monster within that holds you back.

    Despite having many ideas listed, it’s important to know that ultimately how you feel, how you deal, and what you do…are all on you.

    Do you live your life obsessed with success and becoming better? Or do you blame the world for your problems. Blaming the world is fine, but then get out there and fix them.

    If you’re tired of being ordinary, average, miserable…then try making a change and see what happens. Worst case scenario? You can just go back to doing what you did before. But something tells me you won’t want to.

    Be Strong out there and Be nothing but extraordinary.