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    50 Best Songs From Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    With hundreds of songs featuring in this popular musical/comedy, it's hard to have a favourite out of all of them. This is what I believe are the best 50 songs from the show... so far.

    51. Honourable Mention: West Covina

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    It would be blashphemous not to mention the song that started it all, West Covina. When Rebecca had just met Josh and decided to move to West Covina... not for Josh, she just needed a change. She didn't move there for Josh, now that would be strange!

    Favourite Line:

    And also by coincidence, Josh just happens to be here!

    50. Remember That We Suffered

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    Representation of religions other than Christianity is always awesome, and this is made even better by Rachel Bloom's family being Jewish- she wrote this song based off her own experiences rather than based anti-Semitic stereotypes as is usually the case!

    Favourite Line:

    Streisand and Hitler, remember that we suffered!

    Spielberg and Hitler, remember that we suffered!

    Have we mentioned Hitler? Remember that we suffered!

    49. Maybe She's Not Such A Heinous Bitch After All

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    I love me some Hairspray, and this Hairsprary-esque song does not disappoint! This song shows just how complex a person's relationship with their parent can be. Naomi cares for Rebecca, but just doesn't show it in a typical way, and Rebecca does love her mother but just can't stand her sometimes. Not everything is as black and white as we all think sometimes.

    Favourite Line:

    I don't wanna bash her head in with this cup,

    It may sound tosh but that's a huge step up!

    48. Women Gotta Stick Together

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    A cameo by Janet from The Good Place makes this video so much better years later. There seems to be a lot of self identified feminists that are actually bringing down other women, instead of supporting them. Just because someone is a woman, doesn't necessarily mean they are a feminist, nor are they always going to act in other women's best interests.

    Favourite Line:

    So lets all spread this message, like Caitlin spreads disease.

    Coz a change is coming faster, than Ashley drops to her knees.

    47. I'm The Villian In My Own Story

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    Such a refreshing perspective on a main character for the first time in a TV show. Instead of pretending that their flaws are funny and endearing, like TV shows Friends (Ross) and HIMYM (Ted) do, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend turns the table and says maybe Rebecca isn't perfect, and actually wrong?

    Favourite Line:

    I told myself that I was Jasmine, but now it seems I'm Jafar.

    46. The Buzzing From The Bathroom

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    Such a beautiful side plot! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend continues to tear down barriers in Hollywood about sexuality, teaching its viewers so much. There is a disparity between men and heterosexual women's orgasm that is often untalked about, and many people go through life unaware of. The best part isn't even in this clip, it's later in the episode where Tim later tells Paula about his successful night with his wife after learning he'd never given her an orgasm. Paula tells him that the fact his wife never communicated the problem to him is evidence of deeper communication issues between the couple.

    Favourite Line:

    That was no electric toothbrush, no facial scrub device.

    45. I'm In A Sexy French Depression

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    Romanticising depression and mental illness has become a big thing in recent years, and it's a big problem. There's nothing sexy about depression, and this song satirises society's romanticisation.

    Plus, Rachel nails the French accent and language.

    Favourite line:

    I watch porn but can only fixate on what happened in the porn stars' lives to lead them to these careers.

    44. What's Your Story

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    As much as Rebecca wants it to be, people often don't have outrageous life stories that lead them to a life of crime, like in Chicago. And people aren't inherently evil or good. We're all complex people.

    I love the story of the two women who stole a sweater, and they both get different sentences #WhitePrivilege. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has songs filled with comments on society, and this song is no different!

    Favourite Line:

    And then, when I plead guilty just for like, metaphorical symbolism, the judge knew I was innocent so she didn’t accept my plea but I wanted to go to jail anyway.

    43. Sex With A Stranger

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    Rachel manages to put everything we're all thinking about having one-night stands into one song. Will this guy I've just met and know nothing about turn out to be a murderer? And the conversation about STIs is something you never see in popular culture, and it's so good that this conversation is normalised! You should be asking sexual partners about their STI history, and including it in the song will make more people actually do it!

    Favourite Line:

    Hey sexy stranger come back to my place, and please don't be a murderer!

    42. You Do/You Don't Want To Be Crazy

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    The theme song for the third season shows the polarity of crazy; some people see it being a good thing, and others a bad thing. People like girls that are crazy in bed, but not actually crazy. The song contributes to the overall theme of the series- what does crazy mean?

    Favourite Line:

    You do (you don't) wanna be crazy.

    41. Face Your Fears

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    Just an outrageously comical song with a great beat, it teaches that while our friends will want the best for us, following their advice can often not be the best for us.

    Favourite Line:

    Reach for the stars (literally touch a star),

    Face your fears (stars aren't that hot).

    40. Feelin' Kinda Naughty

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    This is not your mother's "I Kissed A Girl", it takes the girl crush to a whole new level! And I love how good both Rebecca and Valencia look in their matching dresses, even if it is foreshadowing Rebecca's minor obsession with becoming Valencia.

    Favourite Line:
    I wanna kill you and wear your skin like a dress,

    And then also have you see me in the dress,

    And be like "OMG you look so cute in my skin."

    39. Scary Scary Sexy Lady

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    This is my anthem whenever I'm very angry at the world and the patriarchy! Also, the attention to detail in the credits is very beautiful

    Favourite Line:
    Wearing high heels and a short skirt made of murder

    38. Without Love You Can Save The World

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    Rebecca is told by her therapist that she can achieve so much now that she isn't so focused on romantic relationships, and she takes that to mean that her life will be so much better without love. Of course, a life without love has its own problems with it.

    Favourite Line:

    Love is blind, but without love,

    You can actually help the blind

    37. The Math Of Love Triangles

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    As a math lover, I appreciated the triangle puns immensely.

    Favourite Line:

    Let's take a look at what this line bisects.

    Is that spelt B-I-S-E-X?

    36. The Cringe

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    So relatable! Ghosts and monsters aren’t scary, but the cringe moments from my past are definitely the scariest things. Nightmare on Elm Street is definitely less scary than reliving my own past memories.

    Favourite Line:
    Nothing is as scary as what lurks in your past

    35. The End Of The Movie

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    This song really speaks to me. Life isn’t a movie (or a tv show). Things aren’t guaranteed to work out for us, and while we are the lead in our lives, we aren’t necessarily important in anyone else’s stories. And that’s really hard to come to terms with, because we want to believe that life is going to be like the movies, and conclude nicely, but it isn’t necessarily going to happen. We’re in charge of our own fates and we have to work hard.

    Favourite Line:
    If you saw a movie that was like real life,

    You’d be like, "What the hell was that movie about?

    It was all over the place."

    Life doesn’t make narrative sense

    34. Heavy Boobs

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    Yes, big boobs are gorgeous (as are all sized boobs of course)! But there’s so much we didn’t know them. It makes it impossible to run without a super good sports bra, and you’ll never need a bag again because you can hold so much under there!

    Favourite line:
    Not bitchin' bout my boobies, they look superfly in shirts

    But if I swung them in your face, you'd be like, "Oh my God, that hurts!

    33. JAP Battle

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    A brilliant rap battle (get it? JAP/Rap battle!) between these two successful lawyers with lots of beef! The little political quips are beautiful, but I’d prefer Rebecca didn’t lower herself to bring Audra’s fiancee into the fight. Also, I’m not sure if it’s done on purpose, but Audra is wearing a very similar outfit to what Rachel wore when she was in her New York job, which I see as illustrating that Audra represents everything Rebecca used to be.

    Favourite Line:
    Nohow, no way I put the "O.G." in "5.0 G.P.A.

    32. F**kton of Cats

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    This song is a wonderful spin on the idea that all women doomed to a life of singledom need to get a cat.

    Favourite Line:

    The ironic part is we're not that friendly, if you're lonely we might make it worse...have you considered getting a dog?

    31. Meet Rebecca!

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    With a theme song that changes every season, it's always exciting to see what the new season will bring. While not as boppy as previous seasons, this does offer a good insight into the show- Rebecca is a three-dimensional character. She can't be summarised easily because there is so much that makes up who she is. This is so refreshing to see on TV, a female protagonist who is successful but also has her own flaws. She's human.

    Favourite Line:

    Meet Rebecca! She's too hard to summarise.

    30. Time To Seize The Day

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    This song is honestly such a mood. It's definitely what I'm like when I just feel staying inside all day and do nothing, while also knowing that there's a lot of people who need me to go out and do things.

    Favourite Line:
    I wonder if the fridge needs cleaning

    I haven't cleaned the fridge for a while

    I'd hate to leave with a dirty fridge

    Did I get it all? No, there's a smidge

    29. Having A Few People Over

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    I'll admit, whenever I have a few people come over to my house, I can't help but sing this song. The choreography is amazing in this song, with him cutting the vegetables and placing the cheese in time to the music.

    Favourite Line:

    At this point you're probably aware I'm having a few people over

    28. We Tapped That Ass

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    Faced with her newfound singledom, Rebecca starts to hallucinate Josh and Greg as a way of coping. What follows is a super catchy song about the who/what/when/where of Rebecca’s sexual relationships with the two men.

    Favourite Line:
    You'll never escape us

    'Cause we live in your head

    27. The Moment Is Me

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    Heather is an iconic character, because she just doesn’t seem to care at all, and this song truly captures that. She isn’t here for your super inspirational song, what a waste of time! It is meant to be an anti-inspirational song, but its lyrics are actually hella inspirational.

    Favourite line:
    'Cause today's tomorrow's yesterday

    Can't let the future slip away

    Can't wait to meet whoever I will be

    26. I'm Just A Girl In Love

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    Everything you do is okay if it's because you're in love! You're not crazy if you're in love! However, the "message" of the theme song is debunked throughout the series, with Rebecca learning some of the things she did for love weren't good things.

    Trent's cover of this song is interesting because it makes you think about whether you have the same perspective of whether you can excuse certain things if it was for love when it comes to men as well as women.

    Favourite Line:
    I'm just a girl in love,

    I can't be held responsible for my actions

    25. First Penis I Saw

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    Mamma Mia! This episode is the first not named after Josh, and focuses on Paula instead. Super catchy and raunchy, it's definitely not a song you want to get caught singing out loud. The use of suggestive vegetables is very well done as well 🍆

    Favourite Line:
    He's coming, bail on the turntable!

    24. Let's Have Intercourse

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    A very different feeling to the "Thinking Out Loud" song and video this is based off, you can definitely tell that Nathaniel is used to get everything he wants. He seems confused and disgusted about his attraction, with Rebecca not being the typical girl he's usually attracted to. And with his fat-shaming, saying it'll only take a second, and that he has an old condom in his wallet they can use, who wouldn't want to sleep with him? 🙄

    Favourite Line:
    Let's quickly have intercourse

    So I can move on with my life

    23. Research Me Obsessively

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    If this isn't you when you see your crush/ex with someone new, then you're lying to yourself. Social media has made it easier for us to be aware of all the things happening in our exes lives, and it's natural to want to learn more about someone we used to be close with. However, it's way too easy to fall into the rabbit hole and obsessively find out everything about their new beau, and maybe you found yourself still researching 3 days later after having paid $9.99 for a background check and a fake Instagram account. No judgement.

    Favourite Line:

    It isn't stalking coz the information is all technically public.

    22. Friendtopia

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    Ahhh the time of the #GirlSquad! Not gonna lie, this song totally gets me in the mood to stage a global coup with all of my mates and rule the world how we want (a.k.a. more fairly). Besides, how bad can a world where everyone has seen Hocus Pocus really be?

    Favourite Line:
    When one of us gets dumped

    That becomes Memorial Day

    21. Face Your Fears (Reprise)

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    Rebecca has come so far since the first version of this song. She’s so much stronger and genuinely in love with Nathaniel, but she’s so scared of being hurt again, and she doesn’t know if she has the strength for that. A very emotional song that I believe would resonate with many viewers.

    Favourite Line:
    Do I risk it all again?

    Or do I run and hide?

    20. Nothing Is Ever Anyone's Fault

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    It would be so easy to not have to take the blame for anything, and just blame someone else for everything. But Rebecca starts to learn that even though she does have BPD and had a terrible upbringing, this doesn’t excuse the things she has done that has hurt people.

    We all go through terrible things in life, but it’s up to us to be good despite this.

    Favourite Line:
    It wasn’t technically Hitler’s fault,

    Hitler’s brother died, and that made him super sad

    19. I Have Friends

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    This level of confidence is something I aspire to have (ignoring the fact that it's merely Rebecca putting on a facade). She has friends! She definitely has friends! Poor Rebecca :/ Even if she doesn't have friends, at least she has the ability to sing some banging tunes!

    Favourite Line:
    When Mrs Hernandez says nothing...

    18. What'll It Be?

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    Sometimes we feel trapped in our circumstances and our biggest fear is that we’ll just go through life being mediocre. Greg had the chance to become something but turned it down to be with his Dad, which he doesn’t regret, but is still sad about his average life, worried that this is as good as it’s ever going to get.

    Favourite Line:
    I know this town like the back of my hand

    But I’m not such a fan of the back of my hand

    17. I'm A Good Person

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    A song about being a good person being filled with many comments a good person would never say. Nor would a good person brag about being a good person. It kinda defeats the purpose if you’re doing it for the validation rather than actually just doing it to be good.

    Favourite Line:

    I’m a good, such a good, real good person,

    Let me hear you say it too.

    Say it! Or I’ll kill your husband, I’ll gut him like a fish!

    16. Crazy Ex Girlfriend Theme

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    Summarising the premise of the TV show with a boppy tune, this song challenges the idea of the “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend", because it is well and truly a sexist term. And what even is crazy anyway?

    Favourite line:
    (She’s the crazy ex girlfriend)

    That’s a sexist term!

    15. You Stupid Bitch

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    Sometimes its fun to sing a self-deprecatory ballad. And doesn’t she look so gorgeous doing it?

    Favourite Line:
    You’re just a poopy little slut who doesn’t think

    And deceives the people she loves

    14. The Sexy Getting Ready Song

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    The song's title is obviously an oxymoron, as the real process of getting ready is not sexy in the least. There's the contrast between the 'sexy' Rebecca getting ready, and then the actual Rebecca getting ready. Women often feel they need to put in a lot of effort into getting ready to go out, while simultaneously looking like they didn't try hard at all. Nobody wants a high-maintenance girl who takes hours to get ready, but they want what that girl looks like.

    Favourite Line:

    This is how you get ready?

    This is some... this is horrifying, like a scary movie or something.

    Like some nasty-ass patriarchal bullshit.

    You know what? I gotta go apologize to some bitches.

    13. Put Yourself First

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    One of many comments on modern day feminism, demostrating that marketing something as 'feminist' doesn't necessarily make it so. So many brands and companies are selling products under the guise of #Feminism, #empowerment and #GirlBoss when they are really just doing lip service. I.e. McDonalds flipping their golden arches to a W in celebration of International Women's Day, instead of doing something actually beneficial, like providing their workers with adequate pay or maternity leave.

    Favourite Line:

    If I put myself first for him, then by definition, aren't I putting myself second?

    12. Hello, Nice To Meet You

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    I squealed throughout this song constantly because I was just so happy to have a #Grebecca seen when I never thought I would see one again. A+ recasting with Skyler Astin, and A+ for bringing up the recasting and breaking the fourth wall. All the meet cutes were very adorable, and I'm so excited at a second chance for the two of them.

    This song really illustrates how two people can really change over a few years. Everyone is capable of growth and forgiveness if they work hard at it like Greg and Rebecca obviously have.

    Favourite Line:

    I've spent many years processing my anger

    Wouldn't know what to say to the person I knew

    But it's nice to meet you

    11. I Gave You A UTI

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    One of many sex ed classes given in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend through song- the importance of peeing after sex! Greg is weirdly but cutely excited at having given Rebecca a UTI. And Rebecca's interjections at some of his comments are perfect.

    Favourite Line:

    If it hurts to take a leak, well that's just part of my technique.

    My penis is the reason you may die, die, die.

    10. It Was A Shit Show

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    They seemed like the perfect couple, and they both truly loved each other. But Greg and Rebecca were toxic to each other and would not have worked well long term. It sucks, but sometimes there are people in your life that leave- even if you don't want them to. Sometimes love just isn't enough to defeat everything. Life is constantly moving, and sometimes life takes us in different directions. But that's okay #ThankYouNext

    Favourite Line:

    Chernobyl next to us looks like a campfire!

    Hurricane Katrina was just bad weather!

    9. Oh My God I Think I Like You

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    How many people go into a casual relationship thinking they're not gonna fall for that person, then do? This song encapsulates that feeling perfectly, showing the annoyance at having fallen for them, trying to pretend it's not true, and finally accepting it. The seven steps of grief are well documented in this song.

    Favourite Line:

    Is there an IUD that can stop the image of you and me

    getting married on a hillside surrounded by ducks?

    8. After Everything I've Done For You (That You Didn't Ask For)

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    AHHHH Donna your voice is amazing! I love her backbone in this, and finding out just how invested she was in getting Josh with Rebecca (sometimes more than Rebecca herself). Like Paula was very extra and crossed a lot of boundaries, but her heart was in the right place. This song is something I feel my sister would sing to me if I got back with an ex, lol.

    Favourite Line:

    I created you, you lived in my womb... I mean, figuratively!

    7. I Could If I Wanted To

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    This was done all in one shot which is a testament to Santino's amazing skill set. I relate to this song so much because I'm constantly trying to convince myself that I don't care about things and that if I wanted to do something, I'd be able to do it. I just don't want to do it.

    Favourite Line:

    This song sucks. I could make it good if I wanted to.

    Yeah, I could if I wanted to.

    6. Love Kernels

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    This song is such a mood, with all my crushes in the past where I have been so sure that my crush is in love with me, based on all these little things I read wayyyy too much into. Also, that little head nod at 1:45 gives me life.

    Favourite Line:

    I may look dry, but if you cut me open, you'll find only water inside.

    Incidentally that's also a useful fact for how to survive in the desert.

    5. Settle For Me

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    Just everything about this scene is so beautiful- Greg and Rebecca's chemistry, the costumes, the choreography. It's saddening how low Greg's self worth is that he wants someone to settle for him, instead of actually wanting to be with him.

    Favourite Line:

    I have no problem being picked out from the bottom.

    If he's your broken condom, I'm Plan B.

    4. Getting Bi

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    Bisexual representation FTW! 🙌🏻If I was bisexual, I would be singing this constantly. Props to the bisexual flag in the background as well. Heaps of bisexual stereotypes are crushed during the song as well, including:

    - Bisexuals are just indecisive

    - Bisexuals are playas/sluts

    - Bisexuality is just a phase

    Favourite Line:

    If you ask me how I'm doing, here is my reply

    I'm getting bi!

    3. A Diagnosis

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    A more serious song than the show is used to, it's amazing how well the show deals with tough issues like mental illness and suicide. After watching Rebecca's journey of ups and downs, it is so beautiful to see her so full of hope. The song definitely captures the essence of how a correct diagnosis can be life-changing.

    Favourite Line:

    I'm aware mental illness is stigmatised,

    but the stigma is worth it if I realise

    who I'm meant to be, armed with my diagnosis.

    2. Strip Away My Conscience

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    Even though Rebecca is very amoral during this part of the series, it is exciting to see her have so much confidence in her sexuality. It is definitely empowering to see this confidence represented on TV, and is #goals

    Favourite line:

    You're like Professor Snape in his sad dungeon with his potions,

    coz somehow you don't have that sucky thing called emotions.

    1. Let's Generalize About Men

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    The satire in this song is so beautiful, it gives me life. It presents some of the problems evident in modern feminism with generalizing men into one group. This wonderful feminist show presents the problems with gender stereotyping, and how it isn't helpful in the long run to stereotype men (but admits that sometimes the men women encounter on a daily basis can be the stereotypical man and women just need a time to whinge to their friends about men, because it can be cathartic).

    Favourite Line:

    There are no exceptions, all three billion men are like this (all 3.6 billion men).