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    These Easy Bathroom Cleaning Hacks Are So Satisfying

    Squeaky clean!

    Cleaning your bathroom is literally the WORST. We're all guilty of turning a cheek to water stains and the clumps of hair that have clogged the drain. BUT NO MORE! Here's a few easy bathroom cleaning hacks that'll change your life.

    Here's a video showing you all the hacks:

    Facebook: video.php

    1. Does your shower head look like this? Absolutely DISGUSTING and spotty? Try the solution below!

    See? Sparkly!

    2. Are the hard-to-clean nooks of your toilet bowl driving you nuts? Reach those tough spots with this screwdriver hack!

    3. Is your mirror dirty, too? Clearing up those spots is so easy; just brew a cup of tea and rub with a newspaper!

    4. Is your sink cluttered with all your getting-ready essentials? Try a DIY magnetic strip to hold all the goods!

    5. Are you cluttering the corners of your tub with bottles of soap and shampoo? Hanging an organizer will make you feel so ~zen~ while you shower!

    BOOM! Enjoy your clean and organized bathroom!