17 Of The Most Disturbing Things That Happened In "Rocko's Modern Life"

    Did all of these really happen?

    1. When Filburt's fortune cookie had the realest fortune of all time:

    2. When Rocko went crazy and ended up in the garbage eating a foot:

    3. When this kid was literally chewing on Rocko's eye:

    4. When Spunky held a beating heart on his tongue like it was nothing:

    5. When Hiram Wolf did this:

    6. And this...

    7. When Heffer went mad and started sprinkling unlimited sweat from his head:

    8. When Rocko was trying to plunge Heffer's butt:

    9. When it looked like Rocko had an alien inside of him:

    10. When this awkward kiss happened:

    11. When something was sucking the literal life out of Heffer, Rocko and Spunky:

    12. When this happened to Beverly Bighead's eyes:

    13. When Rocko was able to close his eyes with a zipper:

    14. And when Rocko picked the wrong "berries."

    15. When really really big man’s nipples went out of control:

    16. Like this:

    17. AND THIS: